I just found that I’m pregnant so I’m curious if they are any recommendations for pre-natal stack?
I was thinking just playing plasma flaunt, eternal, circulatory engineer, and blueprint of life as my stack.
I just found that I’m pregnant so I’m curious if they are any recommendations for pre-natal stack?
I was thinking just playing plasma flaunt, eternal, circulatory engineer, and blueprint of life as my stack.
I am not an expert in this area, but Plasma Flaunt might be a bit strong. Even one play for some is more than enough. Surely someone will come along that can give you better advice than moi lol. I’m so excited for you! Have you searched the forum for clues?
Try these:
If it were me, I would not play any heavier fields geared toward health- basically, I would play none of what you mentioned.
Plasma flaunt in particular is not for children as it stimulates telomerase I believe. And children don’t need that same with eternal.
Circulatory engineer is a pretty intense field, wouldn’t play it for babies
Blueprint of life is the only conceivable one but even then I probably wouldn’t for a developing baby
I would stick with mantras, perhaps intercessions,
Light things. Maybe a few fields that will calm you, that’s it
Congratulations @kiwipanda777
How about shielding 3.0 and massage fields? Yeah I will stick to mental and love stacks then Thank you!
Also thank you everyone! 🥹 I’m super excited hehe
If you already have shielding 3.0 and have the mandala I would still carry it, just the mandala
When a baby is developing they’re very sensitive to noises
I wouldn’t buy any new NFTs during this time because then your energy system will be adjusting
You just want to keep everything calm and stable
Love fields should be okay like divine love etc and massage fields sound fine to me I think those only go to the outer muscles but don’t overuse in case they go deeper