So, the first thing I want apply fields to in my life is to reclaim perfect health.
I underwent significant heavy metal exposure and a lot of drug abuse when I was a teenager and my health simply hasn’t been the same since. Thankfully, I’ve worked very hard at detox and biohacking and I’m about 70-80% back to my pre-illness, teenage state.
The last 20% of my health has been difficult to fully recover, but I’m confident that fields can push me over that edge and beyond.
To that end, I’m building out a dream health stack for when I fully upgrade my energy body and make some good money.
I want this thing to be chef’s kiss perfect. The stack should hit all angles, but it shouldn’t be so time consuming that it doesn’t leave any room for other kinds of fields.
So far I have:
- The Eternal
- Wellness Technology 360
- Smart Stem Cells
- Plasma Flaunt
- Blueprint of Sleep (sleep is a genetic weak point for me)
- The Endocriner
- Manly Man (For the testosterone boost)
- Auroch Potion (More testosterone and sex benefits)
I was thinking of maybe adding one of those Pagan God NFTs for even more of a boost (Posieden Prodigy, Suit of Olympus), but I dont know enough about them. There’s not many reviews.
Looking for more suggestions! Also appreciate anyone sharing their experience recovering health with fields!