Preventing parents from finding out about paid fields?

So I’m in college rn, still financially dependent on my parents. They deposit money into my bank account every month so I haven’t been tight on finances really. The thing is, I plan to go cuckoo during this sale and spend about 500 usd which is a hefty amount obviously.

I just hope they don’t look through my transactions and flip out when they see something like “gumroad” :skull: The average person won’t understand what morphic fields are and I’m not ready to pick that battle with my parents. Is there a way I can possibly get around this and prevent them from finding out? Maybe one of the luck fields?


Create another bank account secretly (from different bank too obv). Put the money there slowly and voilà.


maybe you can just withdraw the money and then ask to use one of your friends card and pay them in cash?


Not to sound disrespectful, but you can get a job and pay with your own money. Is there an expectation set with your parents as to how the money should be spent?

Withdraw money buy debit gift card deposit money on the card and buy fields :gift: :headphones: :notes: :man_dancing:


No no this isn’t direspectful at all! Their allowance covers academic, emergency and frivolous expenses. The thing is though, in my country, formal internships aside, non-graduates don’t have much scope for part-time employment like some place in the United States for example. Unless someone took the informal route from the get-go and didn’t do the whole college thing.

But even for frivolous expenses some things (say make-up, clothing, hobbies) can be explained. But try explaining what a morphic field is to a lay person and why someone would spend that much on these audios, then it gets tricky. Or maybe it’s an Asian parent thing, they pretty much keep tabs on what I do.

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If they find out you can say you bought an audio course on how to be a better human being

Which I honestly believe the fields are doing, so