Progesterone ver 2.0

Progesterone belongs to a group of steroid hormones called progestogens. It is mainly secreted by the corpus luteum in the ovary during the second half of the menstrual cycle. It plays important roles in the menstrual cycle and in maintaining the early stages of pregnancy.

This induces an increased production as well as a simulation, so it can be used by both male and female.

(it just wont be induced in the corpus luteum if you don’t have any)

Use as needed

Thank you, @Captain_Nemo!


Aren’t youuuu the most amazing Captain??:star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Thank you Captain!!!


I’m really amazed at how this was just being talked about very recently, and now Captain has made an updated version. Also, from almost 12 minutes it’s down to 3:35. Yay! :partying_face:


This one I guess was highly requested since the o.g one is not in patreon but in youtube only.



Progesterone is not a female hormone , it’s a systemic stabilizing agent . For the biggest part of the month men and women actually have the same progesterone levels in the blood


I’m answering this question here where this question belongs. (Your first instincts were correct. Let’s help the generous forum operators keep our forum organized.)

The real answer to your question will be determined by the same blood tests that told you she has a lot of estrogen in the body. When those levels go down, you’ll know you’ve found her sweet spot.

Without those blood tests, you really don’t want to be blindly playing with a woman’s estrogen levels, which may or mayn’t be contributing to her current bodyweight. (There are many factors involved with our bodyweight.)

With all the hormone fields, you want to start small and then, over time, gradually increase them as needed.

Another factor that makes your question difficult to answer is you don’t tell us what other fields you’re offering to her. For example, it’s one thing if you’re just giving her the progesterone field alone (although that’s really not much of a “balance” that you want–the human hormonal system is way more complex than that) and it’s quite another if the progesterone field is one of many hormonal fields.

For example, if her blood tests indicate that she has too much estrogen in the body, you might have offered her Reduce Estrogen (which seems tailor-made for your goal). That’s going to influence how you use this field.

tl;dr: Start out slow (1-2x/day) and build from there. And for her sake, please be guided by some actual blood tests so you don’t cause more harm than good.

(And you can delete your other thread now by deleting the original post. The forum software will take care of the rest for you.)


Thanks for your reply. After reading your post your 100% right. I will discuse the reduce estrogen with here for 1 a 2 usages per day.

For body weight loss i gave her the weight loss combo (Patreon) for 2 weeks.

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This made me giggle (not at you!) because after writing my post, I found myself wondering, “Did her doctor say why her estrogen was so high?”

If you knew that, then the real solution would be to heal whatever it was that was causing her estrogen levels to be so high. Then her system could then regulate itself.

I would still be guided by her doctor’s knowledge, but I think Endocrine System Rejuvenation (thread) could be safe option here.