Programming an item with intent

I’m having a tough time grasping this one concept. Lets say I want to program an item that someone else will have in their possession with specific intent towards me. For example: (Random person) now has the highest form of Love and Gratitude for (Target). If I know the name of the person I can insert the name but if I don’t know the person how would I generalize for that purpose? Would I AM essentially work as if the person in possession is the I AM and not me? I have probably just answered my own Query while typing this but still would like input from the community. Thank you in advance.


You wouldn’t.

You’d develop a feeling of love and gratitude in your higher heart chakra, call on Tuffetiel, the angel who clears light channels between our heart centers, allow a ball of scarlet light to form in and around your higher heart chakra, and push it into the object.