Project Hercules (The Ultimate Demigod - Private)

This looks so attractive !!congratulations!!:+1::+1:


Congratulations @Will-o-the-wisp this project looks amazing! :clap: :heart_eyes:


Thank you!

Also is worth saying that meticulous research on the latest breakthroughs in the field of genetic and epigenetic enhancement was carried out, and with the help of Dreamweaver the most effective and powerful combination ever was selected.

Integrated in the NFT is the presence of a super intelligent body molder field that sculpts and shapes the body to the perfect Herculean physique (from the bone structure all the way to muscle insertions, shoulder to waist ratio etc).

If i think of the ideal Herculean physique, well… lets say the result might be pretty close to:


(The man himself, the best Hercules imo)

The final alchemy is a complete 360 transformational approach –

Literally i already felt different today while exercising and moving, the muscles were stretching and contracting in a different way.


You guys better up your calories intake and get vital amount of nutrients, this is next level.



Lol i just remembered this, actually i wonder if he lurks on the forum every now and then.



If anyone in the private group gives up, please dm me immediately. :pray:

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:grin: today I remembered you when I saw this song


I like your projects! Nice turned out.


Would love to get a copy, please DM.

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Would also love to get a copy and experience this wonderful gem of an NFT, if it’s available😊.
How to go about it ? Thanks guys

sorry if the logic is broken
I’m also not very good at collages :grimacing:
an association arose at work, and I tried to express it :laughing:


I’m not with Hercules,
Though I wanted to match these two last night.
They made perfect sense for self.
I think you will like them siding each other…

And while we at it…

Since it’s not on-topic

(I felt the same)


Yes, at first my mind connected these two NFTs: Strength and Endurance Max + Warrior Athlete

But then I had another association with Hercules
and in the first version I wanted to put the girl in the middle :relaxed: :laughing:

ps. Mental health, I think, can be “combined” with any art
Your version is cool :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


These are all great associations I must say,

Strength and Endurance makes a great addon to Hercules, if we speak about specific targeted approach and a more Holistic one. Even if Hercules has a lot of that included, i am sure a powerful approach from different angles makes the result even stronger and much more immediate.

I can also say that I find myself in @sensin-sensei association a lot too, my mind and subconscious are going through a powerful phase of change in these last days.

I’ve been using audio a lot since the release and it’s pushing me to completely new perspectives. Not necessarily an easy change, a bit stressful in some aspects, but I think it’s a necessary temporary stage for then reaching new heights.

I am often finding myself actively wanting to expand my comfort zone, wanting to push my limits, get more involved in challenging activities, destroy procrastination, dead zones, etc.

A truly next level mindset experience. I’ve tried various anti procrastination items, or products designed to have favorable boosts, this one is hitting in a totally more different and very immediate way so far. (A pretty tough and “Herculean” restructuring i’d say)


I think you also felt that they would have beautiful children (like Hercules) :grin:


hello I want to participate and be part of the group, if you have space

Update 2:

One of the most striking effects of this NFT so far and also one of the most tangible of all the NFTs tested:
I’ve always used to use products to promote the strength of my grip during workouts, well it’s been a while now that almost without realizing it I started training completely with my bare hands, the difference in what is happening is palpable, my grip strength has increased a lot, my hands are more resistant, stronger. It is an effect that may seem irrelevant from the outside, but trust me for people who understand weightlifting and bodybuilding this is an element that is potentially a game changer.

Overall physical performance improved exponentially.
Every workout is different, I notice continuous benefits, it’s as if the field is incredibly intelligent and adapts from time to time to new training intensities and pressure thresholds.

During training but also for the most common daily actions.

More energy, a body that feels younger or better rejuvenated, undergoing optimal change and continuous refinement.

Another mind-blowing part so far is the mindset.
Audio is radically changing my vision of life, my habits and my understanding of certain internal and external dynamics.
It’s like becoming an adult again but in the most ideal and powerful way possible, pushing to become a one man army, in the body, in mind and spirit.

As I said last time, this aspect is not easy, in some cases my whole being fights and resists change and certain situations or small periods of discomfort emerge.

But it is an unstoppable upward construction, there is no room for hesitation or doubts, the change is continuous and brings with it an unprecedented force of actualization.


Hi @Will-o-the-wisp . Am an excited recent purchaser of this gem :blush:. Would love to be added if there is any private group for this ,thanks.

Also am intrigued to find out more about this masterpiece.

The Audio does also offer the physical benefits of this NFT gem ? As in the physicality of Hercules , tangible physiological aspects.

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And may I add , the music track for the audio field for this is simply…… :fire::fire::fire::muscle:t5::+1:t5::fist:t5: ROCKING !!!

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