Sometimes its easy to get confused about which area of your live it’s best to improve at first.
Different aspects of your live impact each other, one ‘‘problem’’ seems to be result of another.
I know that everyone is different and faces different issues, but at the same time we have very much things in common with each other. We may like different meals but everyone must eat.
So I was wondering if there is a ‘‘proper’’ order of aspects of live/self that ‘‘should’’ be dealt with.
Maybe something like working on aspects of live controlled by each chakra from bottom to top?
Or something like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? With amount of information and tools available today it may be easy to get confused, and while I’m aware that everyone is different, on some level everyone is the same, and having a guide like ‘‘do X for Y time’’, then ‘‘improve your Z until J level’’ would be very helpful.
Every person is a whole individual world with a whole different path.
However, if theres one thing (imo) we ALL should work on first, and always -no matter what-
It is to raise and or keep high the vibration state.
While working in whatever else.
Sometimes while working on the other stuff takes longer and the results are delayed… immediately the vibration lowers (its human nature, always expecting high and fast) right there we must stop and go to raise that vibration again before continuing working on whatever we were.
And the loop keeps repeating and we must repeat the same:
First high vibration
Anything else.
Yeah, you could go with maslow. Sometimes you find you have to. Sometimes you look back and find out that is exactly the path you followed because you more or less felt like you had to for all practical purposes.
Or chakras. Bottom to top seems the only way to me. Seems the natural way at least.
Or you could find your major hang ups and their corresponding traumas. Figure out that your fear of abandonment because a parent left when you were an infant makes you clingy and scares people off, or makes you afraid of attachments so you avoid people. Maybe everyone has 3 or 4 or 5 things like that that happened from the time they were conceived until adulthood.
Then you could work on them backwards or forwards from most recent to least recent trauma or the other way around.
Or work on your body. Soul and spirit. Work out. Do some free “spontaneous writing”. Pray, meditate, etc. That’s another approach.
But in the end, once you’ve identified all the things you could work on, and all the different ways you could decide which of those things to do first, you’ll find motivation determining what you actually do.
So, do your best. Decide as wisely as you can. And after that, if the thing you chose to do turns out to be a thing your inner you says “no thanks” to, then start discovering a new list of things you actually have some motivation towards.
Hopefully they overlap enough, the wise and the willing, to move you ahead just enough to where you can move ahead in areas you couldn’t before you got started.
Hmm… I’d say work on what feels most important to you in the now. What may seem like a big issue for someone else might not be big for you.
Our souls knows perfectly well what we need to pay attention to, but our personalites sometimes don’t want to listen to it. Or understand the importance of it.
Something that looks minor could be the prior step to a life changing event.
Only you know you.
Also be brave. Feel the fear but do it anyway.
Universe rewards honesty.
thank You for Your input but I humbly disagree, raising your vibration when you struggle with getting enough food wont really help you, or there may be traumas/unfulfilled needs that will actively prevent you from raising your vibrations. I know its best to raise it at some point, but when it is good time to raise it remains a question for me. Every person is individual yet we have the same core needs, patterns repeat in us with some different tweaks maybe, I dont think we are all so much different really.
@Atreides the problem with with figuring out is being sure that you are not wasting time and that the thing you are working upon right now is going to benefit you the most. Oh how often I decided to improve X thing only to doubt this decision after some weeks, with all of the evidence pointing that focusing on Y is more important and more beneficial. after Y it comes Z etc. we are all human beings after all, and there must be some sort of general rules and directions which could apply to all of us. working on chakras/maslow seems most reasonable from what I know, but I was wondering if You guys know other such systems/ or maybe we could create another one from all of what we know. Thank You
@anon37166570 100% agree that being brave and honest with self will always help. the thing with working on whats most important right now is changing constantly, if we make a decisions having only now in the mind we risk our future for the sake of present IMO, thank You
The same order across all human beings? I think you hit the nail on the head when you compared it to eating (or exercise, to add another example): we all eat, but we all eat so differently and not every eating plan is “proper” for every body. Different bodies want (or need) different ways of eating.
I think that’s why the common refrain of this forum–“listen to your individual inner guidance”–is so helpful (and spot-on) to our forum friends, because our individual inner guidance knows what we (as individuals) “should” deal with first, even if others would deal with other topics/issues first.
I respect that you disagree but thats the main thing to unfold or block all the others.
But as I said. Each path is personal
Raising the vibration can happen in soooo many ways.
Acceptance of what is
Letting go of resistance
Detached observation
Just to name a few that dont involve anything except surrendering.
As Eckhart Tolle says in his “the Power of Now” book:
When going through any situation that you dont like, its not the ideal, you dont want you only have 3 choices:
1- accept the situation as it is
2- change the situation
3- leave the situation
You must decide and you must decide now.
If theres nothing you can do at all, dont have the means, support, nothing then the only choice is the 1st one. Surrender.
Things change from that very moment.
Its and will always be the 1st step.
I think she has some merit. I’m not big into raising my vibration because I like neutrality for personal reasons. But last time I was in a serious bind and it looked like there was no way out, I intentionally got some trust and gratitude in my heart as though someone was taking care of me, and quite miraculously everything turned around.
yes, but eating only fast food and candies is going to be harmful for everybody, and eating vegetables, fruits, drinking only water is going to be healthy for almost everybody, if you are not a vegan for ethic/spiritual reasons meat and fish will help your body too, so there is a general sense of ‘‘rules’’ which would apply to everyone/almost everyone. same with working out, we may have different muscle areas developed more and some less, but in general it is beneficial to work on your whole body for optimal health and balance, being obese is bad for you, same as overtraining yourself. I do acknowledge that everyone is different, but tell me how many people do you know that dont need to eat at all? how many people do you know that honestly dont want to be succesfull/loved? Almost everyone you know speaks your native language and/or english. we all breathe oxygen. we have more things in common than we have differences, and I would argue that most of the time the things we have in common are more relevant. Thank You
We are going to be polar opposites on so many topics I think, If I surrendered when my situation was hopeless I think I would be dead at this point, many times probably. I can’t agree that surrendering is a solution to any issue. You made an interesting point with raising your vibration being helpful in many ways, and I agree. But improving you health for example is helpful in many ways too, and can lead to rising vibration as well. Same with any other aspect of self improvement. I’m not disagreeing with you on how and if its helpfull to do so, but with this many ways one could improve its so much pain in the a** deciding on what to do first I swear I dont claim You are wrong about this btw, I may be wrong and maybe raising your vibration should be no.1 priority, I just wanted to discuss about this
I understand all of that.
I was just talking about my opinion about the very first step and the one that will always actually help any other goal to be faster and easier achievable.
After that is exactly how Pia said it.
Also if you make this post brother i believe is because your methods so far havent shown the results youd like, so instead of rejecting the ideas and new perspectives we are giving you, try to embrace them and practice some?
If not, what is the whole purpose of this post?
Maybe you just hope others share your ideas so you follow them?
If yes, just go for them, without others having to agree
Because you choose to follow your own insights and thats it
I dont have ‘‘mine’’ particular methods, but many of ares I tried to improve I have managed to improve. the thing I wonder about is ‘‘order’’ of improvement. Yes I hope to gain new perspective and solution to ‘‘lack of order’’ thing, but does that automatically mean that I cant entertain and comment on ideas that You have written? Just because I asked a question does not mean every answer is going to be a solution. I’m not saying you and anyone else have to share my opinion.but I believe that some order of development will fit with most, and what Im trying to do with this thread is to find this optimum, I have never said I know the answer to the question I’m asking. If I did knew the answer, why would I ask a question?
I’m pretty sure I know what it’s about.
Fix your money problem then do whatever, every other step in whatever order will bring you to the same place.
Thats the only thing I can think of that can be a problem on this journey. The rest is easy as listening to music. Everything else is down to simple recipes.
What else would you have to do but fix your health and raise your vibrations ?
If people are doubting, hesitating on what to do, it’s because of outside pressure. If you didn’t have to deal with being broke, you could focus on your inner bowel 24/7.
I tend to lean towards agreeing with money being the first thing or one of the first thing to improve, but what do you think have the most impact of your money-making abilities? surely intelligence and willpower right? Would it make sense to improve intelligence/ willpower first then, to be able to make more money in shorter period of time? which of them should be first tho, willpower to never slack on getting more intelligent then making money in the most intelligent and effective manner OR intelligence first to improve your willpower in the smartest way possible and then make money? and then of course once you are rich you get healthy and raise your vibration and get creative etc? OR the money first an willpower, intelligence, vibration and health after? I feel that the more intelligence you have and stronger your willpower is, the better your ability to make money, what do You think?
It comes down to opinions, I’m sure you know that by now.
Some people will tell you to just raise your vibration, some will tell you to work harder, some to be smarter;
Multiple choices, choose one, stick with it.
Simple as that.
You don’t even have to choose randomly, you can try a few things or go with your gut.
You seem to lean toward willpower and intelligence.
I’m wearing unstoppable willpower on a custom item right now and I’ve used a fair amount of intelligence fields, so yeah, “I feel you” . Doesn’t mean it’s the ultimate best choice.
You already know, you already decided. Other people’s opinion doesn’t matter.
Believe in it and stick it out long enough to see results. You can use some comfort fields, but it takes the time it takes.
Making the “right” choice, won’t make money appear in your bank account tommorow.
there is always possibility that, raising your vibration first is more optimal way. or choosing to improve health/strength at first. and knowing that every option may be right and wrong makes it hell to choose something. I know it all comes down to opinions and most of what we percieve is subjective to us, but how do you manage to deicde whats most important then? if everything is important then nothing is. Im not criticising anyone’s opinion. I just know that every opion is valid from certain point of view so Im trying to find out ‘‘optimal’’ way which could by applied to the most of cases.
It’s going to be hard and take time either way.
I’d rather you don’t get sidetracked in perfectionism and procrastination. Don’t overthink. Choose something and go with it. Let go !
Stop analyzing so much.
I really don’t give a fck.
I copy people.
You got what I want, I’ll copy you.
Rich and happy people I know are pretty homogenous and give the same advice.
Even if it’s logical, I don’t take money advice from poor people.
I bet on people, not ideas. I don’t know, I’m a moron, that’s why I’m in a mess.
Who tells the truth ? Who’s lying ?
I’m not Yahweh, I don’t know
I’ll copy someone who knows.
I’ll copy 50 people and become a mix of their best qualities and become something original. When I surpassed everyone, then… I’ll make my own decisions.
Otherwise you’re gonna waste decades reinventing the wheel and mastering fire. Shut up, learn. Less creativity, less ingenuity, more copying. When you’re at the top of the spear and no one ever did it, you guess, try and fail. Eliminate the bad choices one by one.
After copying you for a while, I’ll start to understand and make my own opinions. Once I’m in, I’ll personalize it.
Life is complicated, you’re not gonna understand everything.
Think about the capital governance field, copy people’s knowledge, instinct, the mindset is a prototype made of the best of everything.
If they dropped you on an island with savages, you didn’t know the language, no one to teach you, no frame of reference, you’d copy the members right ?
That’s life. You got dropped in a game without knowing the rules, you choose the best role models, copy them and when you become mature, you think for yourself.
You’re at level 0, you don’t have the basics.
Monkeys copy, you have empathy, mirror neurons etc… that’s a survival strategy that works.
Leaders are the ones everyone (“followers”) copy. That’s how you leap frog, countries, companies, students, children, you copy the best, until you’re the best.
Throughout this thread, you make a lot of assumptions.
Yes exactly. One can work on something for a time being and then go on to something else that’s been revealed or given the strength to because of it. Don’t think linear about this. Think layers and circles instead.
There’s often layers in the themes of our lives and the collected life experiences gives us maturity to look deeper into issues that we once started out dealing with in a more superficial way.
The bigger themes are rarely solved for good at a too young age.
I consider it a job of spinning plates…have you ever seen those people in the circus who balance a plate on a stick by spinning the plate? Then they add another and another until they’ve reached their capacity? That’s what it’s like. You pick your 5 or so core items to work on and then you run like hell between them to keep them all up and spinning. Once you’ve mastered your 5 core then you add more & more plates until you reach your limit…sometimes that involves a crash but that’s ok as long as you learned. If you learned then you can get yourself back up & running in no time.
In addition to what everyone said (good advice all), don’t think of these as linear tasks…meaning one must come before another and follow accordingly. Rather, strive to learn to live your life dimensionally by looking for the arcs in circumstance…in other words read the patterns and do them all at once, responding as circumstances unfold. It’s all in the doing.