Protection from assaults and people with low vibrations?

I have to walk to work in a dangerous place with crime and robberies, visit the houses of poor people there. What audio do you recommend for protection from assaults and people with low vibrations?


Me, I’d carry the Michael mandala. It’s perfect for that (and doesn’t require any equipment that might attract thieves).


In addition to the above, if you can get paid fields, i suggest

For $77, the Armor of Light and Glory

And soon the Shielding Protection 3.0 will be released. This one will give you protection from a large variety of potential dangers. Price is not available yet but it will be worth getting if you can


Plasma Flower (play it on your second phone 24/7)
Clocking Field
Booted Bhoots

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Also, I’d recommend getting in the habit of repeating these affirmations in your head at least once a day:

I am always completely safe.
I am always divinely protected.
I am always divinely guided.
All is well.

Repeat them (like when in bed or walking to work) and remember you do have protective energy all around you at all times. Also try to imagine golden-white light surrounding you and wherever you go. Consistency is key to feeling safer and ultimately being safer (or getting into any state, really). :pray:


Thank you all for your advice. I will do everything you advise, they are a wonderful community, hopefully this forum will last forever and one day a great meeting will be achieved somewhere on the planet.