Psychedelic Field?

Throwing this out there because it has been on my mind. Firstly I would like to say that I am eternally grateful for all the tools Dream and the team have provided us with, free and otherwise, and I do not wish to make demands whatsoever. I am curious however as to the possibility of a psychedelic field, how possible it is, and what you all think on the subject. I know this is not everybody’s cup of tea, I am sure though that some will be wondering about the possibilities. Also, it is a controversial topic and I do not want to draw any negativity to Dreams work. Thoughts anyone? Apologies if this discussion exists somewhere else on the forum.


Create playlist out of those and You won’t need psychedelics :smiley:

oh eh you forgot ego dissolution mister !!


Thanks. I’ve noticed with the dmt field some very unusual dreams, almost photographic with a weird twist, unlike my normal dreams, but nothing so lucid or coherant. Also dmt left me feeling more alive and present like hightened senses, experience of light and vividness. Higher being I love. Dreamtime I used when it first came out and it made me feel very content and at home. I havent used synesthesia beyond once or twice because Dream keeps knocking them out and I’ve yet to get my ducks in a row.


Thats a good list

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Sammy mentioned in the webinar about emotional mastering and how it expands how much you can feel (may say that in the description aswell, I can’t recall). Ojas aswell, someone kindly explains in the thread something about that…

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So maybe Mana Circuits > Emotional mastering > Ojas

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Lol agreed, also Quasi :flushed: its a hell of a trip haha

But to the OP. @Light_Gnome

I do see psychedelics in a positive light.

Ive been in many retreats where ive taken:

Buffo alvarius (with all due respect i think and wish every single person try this :heart_eyes: theres nothing like it)
Azafran seeds with DMT (weird, yet the most loving one)
Cocoa + something i don’t remember. I loved this one too.

I dont do it often tho, maybe once every 2 years.

Fields with those :ok_hand:t3::ok_hand:t3::ok_hand:t3:

Yes i would absolutely love them specially made by Dream because i can only imagine the purity and level of depths and healings they could reach with his amazing goodies/touch added in every concept out there. :two_hearts::heart_eyes: i vote yes! Lets hope.

Also because I am Vegan and i did Buffo and Kambo before, and i really miss them. Id pay anything for those fields.

I think im gonna start bugging Dream to the end of times lol


Thankyou for reminding me about Quasi Crystal.