Psychic Development

Thanks, I already used all the fields you recommended over a long period of time. Now, I can feel the energy pretty well. It’s just the seeing.

Interesting, because when I sort of “look without looking”/“relax my eyes” (I don’t know the word) I kinda feel progress.

I know what you mean, I stay receptive, I can feel it moving, I know it’s there
Lol, if someone is doing everything right and is not seeing results, then he is probably doing everything wrong.


You’re welcome. Ah, I see. It could be because it’s a different kind of “seeing” than the usual kind of physical sight most people are accustomed to, so perhaps it’s not what you’d expect when trying to see.

That sounds like the right direction! :slightly_smiling_face:


yeah, I think I’m cercling it, I just can’t land on it. I think I have the wrong expectations.
About the glowing/transparent thin layer, did you go through that stage or am I on the wrong path ?

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Haha, you’re not necessarily doing everything wrong. :grinning: Something is probably just not connected quite right yet. I had trouble seeing auras before too because I wasn’t sure what to expect, and it was one of the things that I developed a little later but I’m not sure how the ability opened up.

It sounds like you’re seeing some energy! :slightly_smiling_face:


Can you astral travel and do you have some tips ? (many questions I know, but I’ve never had anyone to answer before)
When I try to do it, I focus on my energy body and I try to raise my energy body’s (Eb) torso to move out of my physical body (Pb). Before Psimindset shared his remote viewing techniques I thought remote viewing was walking around in that Eb and looking aroung like you do with your physical eye. Anyway, I use a similar technique to lucid dream, I hold on to that energetic envelope while my body fall asleep and then I just move into the dream. It seems logical to proceed that way for astral travel too.
Edit: I try to be very precise, I know it’s a lot to read everytime I post, but I think the mental framework is more important than the knowledge itself. If you get the reasoning you don’t need to remember the answer and you can guess the next step.


I can, but I’m not sure whether I have helpful tips. It’s not something I’ve ever really thought about carefully, but that does sound like a logical way to proceed, or possibly you could follow the concept and feeling of having an OOBE. It’s somewhat unconscious for me, and I’ve been energy sensitive with abilities my whole life, so I have difficulty separating my energy/etheric body from my physical body when describing these things. It feels a little more to me like aspects of lucid dreaming that could be described as an OOBE.

@Jonno differentiates OOBEs from lucid dreaming in the astral travel thread, so perhaps it would be helpful to distinguish the precise potential differences between the two?

Sorry I may not be of much help. The main difficulties I have with abilities are usually in identifying a particular ability more consciously. Usually I find an ability is something I’m already doing unconsciously to some degree, that I just don’t notice in the same way as conscious physical efforts. So I probably have less clarity in describing the mechanics of them than someone who has had to work to practise and clarify techniques to get them to work well. I actually learn quite a lot from the clarity in everyone’s conversations in this regard, and would like to learn more myself.

Edit: When I do it, I don’t really notice any movement of raising my energy body to move out of my physical body. It’s more like choosing what perspective to look from or where to be in a way that’s not localised to the physical body’s location, but that could just be because I’m not distinguishing the energy body and physical body very well.

If there is any transition, it feels very subtle to me. It can feel unsubtle if I push it to happen more forcefully, but I don’t really feel the transition as an experience of the energy body moving out of the physical body. It’s a different sort of transition without a need to move “out of” anyplace, because it doesn’t feel like there was necessarily an “inside of” to begin with.

Often it feels like I just begin floating or travelling to places which are outside of and apart from my physical body, but it’s not really as if I had to move my energy body out of anything physical first in order to begin. Just moving around in a different way is enough. There’s a slightly different energy vibration, and there are elements similar to the way that the Schumann Resonance field makes me feel.

I had the same confusion when I first encountered the concept. It was very helpful to read Psimindset’s coversation with you. :smile:

That’s great! I like the precision. It’s very clarifying to read your posts, and I learn a lot from them. :slightly_smiling_face:


There’s a difference between seeing auras and “scanning” auras. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding.

I can see auras too if I want, but that’s a living nightmare and would NOT recommend it, cuz you’re not just gonna see auras, you’ll see much more.

As for how, trance is your friend. If you have the theta audio, use it daily. The more you listen, the stronger theta waves you’ll have, and the longer you can remain conscious.

When you can maintain awareness in deep theta states for at least 5 mins, start using pietersite energy from Dreamseeds, it will connect you to the etheric realms, making it much easier to see the etheric world.

At first try to “see” trough closed eyes, to stimulate the third eye. After a while, while being in theta and having used pietersite, you’ll be able to see into the etheric with your eyes open.


I had a few lucid dreaming and OOB experiences but nearly not enough to claim myself an expert on it. However, I have been studying them alot and what I have observed is that it is very difficult to differentiate any boundaries beyond our physical reality (Which is actually just a core-feature of other non-physical realities) However, as a general rule of thumb I’d argue that lucid dreams are more personal/psychological in nature and more moldable, while OOBEs seem like objective experiences (if not too influenced by the person’s filters). You could also say there are more consistent rules in OOBEs like you end up in places your frequency carries you just like we are bound to earth by gravity.
But still, boundaries are pretty fluid and OOBEs can turn into (lucid) dreams and vice versa


Thanks, I can maintain awarenes in all the brainwave for as long as I want. I tried to walk around town while listening to the deeper brainwave for no clear reason. It took a lot of focus, now I think it’s going to bear fruit

Is it different from directly stimulating my 3rd eye ? I can feel my third eye “spinning”(I think it’s normal I’ve never heard anybody saying it, the others too) if I bring my awareness to it.
Sounds like you know your stuff, I’ll try it today.
Thanks you very much!

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I’ll try the schumann resonance too :+1:

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Doubt it.

You were in alpha state, at most very light theta.

Trying to “see” trough closed eyes has actually more to do with astral sight, and its something you need to practice. Its not limited to the third eye. There are people with their third eye fully open, but they cant see shit with their eyes closed, so practice bro.

As for brainwave states, Theta is when you’re just about to fall asleep. Most people have weak theta waves and even then they last 2 seconds at most before losing consciousness.
Also when you move physically you disrupt the process, returning to alpha state.

So you cant walk around being in deep theta or delta bro haha. Anyway, sit or lie down, dont move a muscle no matter what, and then listen to the theta one, now try not to fall asleep, good luck :wink:


That one yes, I can maintain theta, delta, epsilon for as long as I want. I bought the fields and I spent days after days meditating to it. At first I was just losing it and poping up later. Now I can old it for as long as I want= as long as I have been patient so 1h max (I think it’s easier to stay in epsilon than delta, I feel less heavy)

  • I have the meditation field

I only succeeded with theta yes it was very light. Delta, a few step and it became ugly. I said “tried” not “succeeded” read again ;)

That clarifies it. I was surprised when it opened and I started lucid dreaming a lot but I couldn’t see auras


Then I would recommend soul traveling. It’s the easiest way to learn about the etheric world, including auras and shiz. Epsilon should get you out of your body in 2 mins.


I never heard of it, what’s that that that ? (20 characters at least)
Now that I think about it, I was not very energy sensitive back then. It should work better


Its similar to astral projecting, except astral projection is more remote viewing than actually leaving your body.


Auric cleanse can be listened any time? Not the same as deep aura clean from dream seed?

Yes, you can listen to auric cleanse, negativity remover, trauma, forgiveness and it won’t mess with fields. Regarding deep auric cleanse, Dream said listening to it 3h after other fields won’t wash them


Lol I’m interested what do you see? Are there entities that look straight out of a horror movie? Can you be really “prepared” for it or do you think even with a good base it’s like jumping into cold water?

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From the sound of your description I assume you have lots of experience. You should write a book about them, it sounds hilarious


Did the reptilian ask for tree fiddy?

Thanks! that was really informative while I’m not rushing this anyway it is nice to read about what happens once I can see more around me. Also I knew that the whole demon thing was exaggerated but not to this extent. You got dumped by a lust demon lol.

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