Psychic Development

I can, but I’m not sure whether I have helpful tips. It’s not something I’ve ever really thought about carefully, but that does sound like a logical way to proceed, or possibly you could follow the concept and feeling of having an OOBE. It’s somewhat unconscious for me, and I’ve been energy sensitive with abilities my whole life, so I have difficulty separating my energy/etheric body from my physical body when describing these things. It feels a little more to me like aspects of lucid dreaming that could be described as an OOBE.

@Jonno differentiates OOBEs from lucid dreaming in the astral travel thread, so perhaps it would be helpful to distinguish the precise potential differences between the two?

Sorry I may not be of much help. The main difficulties I have with abilities are usually in identifying a particular ability more consciously. Usually I find an ability is something I’m already doing unconsciously to some degree, that I just don’t notice in the same way as conscious physical efforts. So I probably have less clarity in describing the mechanics of them than someone who has had to work to practise and clarify techniques to get them to work well. I actually learn quite a lot from the clarity in everyone’s conversations in this regard, and would like to learn more myself.

Edit: When I do it, I don’t really notice any movement of raising my energy body to move out of my physical body. It’s more like choosing what perspective to look from or where to be in a way that’s not localised to the physical body’s location, but that could just be because I’m not distinguishing the energy body and physical body very well.

If there is any transition, it feels very subtle to me. It can feel unsubtle if I push it to happen more forcefully, but I don’t really feel the transition as an experience of the energy body moving out of the physical body. It’s a different sort of transition without a need to move “out of” anyplace, because it doesn’t feel like there was necessarily an “inside of” to begin with.

Often it feels like I just begin floating or travelling to places which are outside of and apart from my physical body, but it’s not really as if I had to move my energy body out of anything physical first in order to begin. Just moving around in a different way is enough. There’s a slightly different energy vibration, and there are elements similar to the way that the Schumann Resonance field makes me feel.

I had the same confusion when I first encountered the concept. It was very helpful to read Psimindset’s coversation with you. :smile:

That’s great! I like the precision. It’s very clarifying to read your posts, and I learn a lot from them. :slightly_smiling_face: