Psychic & Mediumship Readings 2

Hey Sapien Fam,

Feel free to message if a reading would be something of benefit to you.
I’ve done intuitive readings on the side for about 6 years now - planning to take it on full time when my youngest starts school.


@AlreadyThere has been an awesome person since I met her last year. It’s always been amazing vibes.

I went through the reading with her, and she provided reiki healing and more. All I had to do was wait, and just let the healing take place. I’m feeling super heavy right now. Extremely heavy.

She saw my talents, with lots of energy residing with me, waiting to blossom. She brought up specific events that have taken place, and many of the ideas, visions, and goals. She told my spirit that I could accomplish these things and that there was no need to be afraid. She saw many of my traumas and thoughts and was able to help me do shadow work on an intense level.

There was so much, I’ve been doing a lot of shadow work, but this was so deep, that I will have to go much harder on it. I feel very relieved, and many things were removed. I have to continue destroying all the mental blocks and working on forgiveness of many situations of the past.

This was one of the most transformational moments of my life. So much happened, and was uncovered. I can’t say everything, as it’s personal, but I really recommend it. It’s much bigger and stronger than it may seem from the smaller description. I for sure will never view life the same again.

The bondages must be broken, the shadow work will be amplified, it was much deeper than I was even aware of.


Awesome and beyond. Gratz to the pair of you!



Gotten a reading about my personal life, she told me what I needed to work on and what to possibly expect. The readings aligned with my thoughts and feelings and definitely gave me more clarity.

As of right now, I’m clearing all external influences and working on sexual healing. I won’t dive too deep because they are personal to me.

Thank you for the reading.


Gratz, Rehan. Very cool :slight_smile:


Highly recommend @AlreadyThere.

Have done a few sessions with her. Her energy work has really helped me improve my mental and physical health. She provides consistent guidance and is always honest, kind, and perceptive.

As soon as I have the funds to spare, I’m getting more sessions. Very excited!


Just a reminder that @AlreadyThere is a legend at this. She is a master at this. Conceptually you can see how great she is. My higher self has so much love for her it’s insane, she is truly a master.


Wanted to add that @Alreadythere gave me a great reading. She was very accurate on a couple of major things and her readings were super helpful! I’m confident in her abilities and will be getting more readings from her.