Psychic University Patreon

Vibration of Healing

Should help boosting general healing.

Use this when you can catch more than 8 hours of sleep and have some free time the next day, as you can wake up very tired from the massive healing.


Reverse the Negative Effects of Radiation

Radiation damage in biological tissues occurs when ionizing radiation passes through and interacts with the cells. It primarily causes damage by two mechanisms: direct ionization of DNA and indirect effects via free radical generation.

Direct ionization can break DNA strands or damage nucleotides, which can lead to mutations, cancer, or cell death. The indirect effects arise from the ionization of water, which is abundant in cells, leading to the formation of free radicals. These free radicals are highly reactive and can damage various cellular components, including DNA, proteins, and cell membranes.

The severity of radiation damage in biological tissues depends on the dose and type of radiation, as well as the rate of exposure. A high dose over a short period can cause acute radiation syndrome with symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, and, in extreme cases, death. Lower doses over a longer period can increase the risk of cancer and cause other health issues.

This works on the mental and physical levels.

It will try its best to reverse anything that negatively affected you as a consequence of radiation exposure, of any kind.

2-3 times a day.



Ego malleable
Omega love
Arcturian Therapeutic Sanctuary

Lately or these past few days, I have been in a headspace of feeling content with myself and feeling happier even though I am not at the place where I want to be at the moment.

I’m very impressed with the Arcturian mental health field, I had my eyes on Project Mental Health but this does it for me.

Even when I force myself to feel bad, I return to the base of feeling neutral.


I agree, the mental health one is really good. My negative thought patterns will try and start up and they stop naturally without any conscious effort. I think these are neural pathways being released.

Omega gratitude would go good with this list too!


Yup the description did mentioned there would be a wiring done to the brain, so it should be permanent in a sense.


Omega Gratitude

Gratitude can open many doors in life. When you’re grateful, you’re acknowledging the results are there. That they were positive and in alignment with what you desired, at least for the most part.

This process puts you in a frequency of positivity and receptivity. It aligns your mindset with abundance and appreciation, which can attract more positive outcomes. Things snowball pretty quickly after that. The universe responds to the signals of thankfulness you send out, echoing back more reasons for gratitude in a harmonious loop, towards the life experience you desire the most.

However, sometimes it’s difficult to connect to that state, or even feel gratitude. Life’s challenges, blockages, and unexpected setbacks can make it seem as though there is little to be grateful for. But it’s in these moments that gratitude can be most powerful. By consciously shifting our focus from our problems to our blessings, we can alter our reality in a really powerful way. It takes practice and effort, of course, but the rewards are manifold.

Cultivating gratitude when it’s hardest is where its transformative potential truly lies. It begins with small acknowledgments. Start by appreciating the mundane - the comfort of a bed, the taste of your food, or even things that you’re ‘not supposed to be grateful for’. In the end, it’s not about finding gratitude for the hardship itself but rather finding gratitude in your ability to endure and learn from it.

I think it’s really important to have these in mind before using the field. Cultivating gratitude is a conscious and sometimes difficult process, so it’s not a case where energetic programming will do the entire job. But what I’m offering here will help immensely.

The idea behind this construct is to fill your entire being with gratitude, like a gratitude bomb, with an additional concept I will be exploring more in the future, where your natal astrological energies are edited to allow you to feel and experience more gratitude. Like a surgery where a specific part is changed, and only this part, not the rest. This effect is permanent.

Use it as many time as you wish.


Just used, omega gratitude one loop while practicing a bit of graittiude, and it was a really wonderful feeling, The gratiitude went deep like like i had just won the lottery even though i was just thanking the water for tasting so good. Cultivating this daily would be really beneficial


This is quite intense! I am someone who is accustomed to working with fields from both Dream and PU.

I was feeling good before listening to this field. I downloaded it from Patreon and listened to it on loop for around 15 minutes, and suddenly I got a headache and started feeling uneasy quite suddenly. I was so tired. I needed about an hour to return to normal, and I’m still feeling a bit tired.

Thanks PU :pray: :green_heart:


Reverse the Negative Effects of Radiation feels strong. The field addresses different spots in the first looping session—my right thigh, an organ on the right side, something on the left, etc. I’m trying to remember my various radiation exposures, but I’m guessing most is just electromagnetic radiation of the technosphere where most us now reside.


Was there/is there an end of year sale going on now for PU? I feel like one was announced but I can’t recall.


There was one for Black Friday, nothing yet for Christmas or New year.


Thanks for the info! I’m excited to try the Soul Continuum.


Didn’t Psychic University have a end of sale Last Year around end of December?

He said December 24 on patreon


Big love for the Healthy Teeth field :heart:


I’m thinking this would be a beautiful stack:

• Pure and Sheer Inspiration
• Omega Gratitude
• The World Comes Alive In A Beautiful Way

      • +Lessons from Divine

That’s one I’ve been meaning to use again!


Review: Saturn Healing and Development
Nearly a year PU gifting us with this special field. :gift: :gift_heart:
A tough, mature love given by Saturn (in tandem with Emblem of Change)
I play this a few times a week, thanking all the lessons and for healing them.

“…developing your Saturn lessons and healing the scars that Saturn cycles left on you.

Oh, the sacrifice and discipline to every transits (currently transiting 8H: realm of investments, financial, intimacy and shared resources; the recent Saturn retrograde was harsh!) and the frictional aspect Jupiter square Saturn in my chart. Hard lessons of accepting, knowing and loving oneself.

“It takes time to master your Saturn. But once you do so, the rewards are wonderful. […] In terms of effects and results, one of my strongest files.”

I remember the first few weeks were a whirlwind of an experience (could be the transit between 7H and 8H as well). Using the field close to a year now plus my own actions, it has developed and healed all of what I experience under my natal aspect and transits. Now, I become stronger and wiser. Taking on a more responsible and compassionate approach. No matter how tough life gets, I never give up. Reminds me, that my own resilience and faith are my pillars. Thank you, greatly @Psychic_University. :white_heart:


The End of Gluten Problems

In celiac disease, or any type of sensitivity to gluten, the primary issue arises when gluten is ingested. The ingested gluten interacts with the enzyme tissue transglutaminase (tTG), leading the immune system to mistakenly perceive this combination as a threat, treating it as a harmful substance. This misperception triggers an immune response, where the body attacks both the gluten and the tTG enzyme, causing inflammation and damage to the intestinal lining, particularly the villi. Villi are tiny, finger-like projections that are crucial for nutrient absorption. When they are damaged, malabsorption of nutrients happens.

This overreaction also leads to inflammation and damage in the small intestine. So, the real issue in celiac disease is this autoimmune response of the immune system, not the action of tTG on gluten.

All of this results in impaired nutrient absorption and various symptoms. Trying to solve that, this field reprograms your immune response to prevent the attack on the tTG-gluten complex by your immune system. By stopping this inappropriate immune reaction, inflammation can be reduced, protecting the intestinal lining from damage. On top of that, there is additional healing for the small intestines and villi.

It’s likely the combination of these effects drastically improve the condition of individuals that are sensitive to gluten. However, in case you have it, my suggestion is to take care of your diet, for life. Approach this work as something that will allow you to consume gluten here and there, like a pizza on the weekend. It’s important to remain cautious about your gluten intake and not to view this as a solution for unrestricted consumption.

Use as many times as you feel it’s needed.

Public, so please share with the ones in need.