Psychic University Patreon

I personally feel you get more out of a mandala by sitting with it, staring at it and interacting with it for five minutes than I do with having the mandala just sitting passively at my side all day. That is true for every mandala I’ve ever worked with.


Thank You Very Much for The Reply. :pray:

Also, I Thank Everyone Who Replies.

I think that I Wil do this too, First, staring at them for a few minutes, meditating, etc., then I’ll set them as wallpapers.


Does Rhodonite + coprolite brain field cancels the wiring done from sapien meds new age fields like Manhattan method? Or does it reinforces brains current wiring/structure into performing better? I am pretty sure it removes overgrowths and i like its affects on my brain Spl regarding my muscle precision for playing the musical instrument that I play. Can you please let us know @Psychic_University Thank you :)

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glad to know that you always seeking for the best!

soul sickness art is ammaaazzzing


The Fear Washer

Fear is a fundamental human emotion that arises in response to perceived danger or threat. It is a complex psychological and physiological state that can occur in the presence of a clearly threatening stimulus, or stimuli that is expected to happen in the future. Fear serves as a protective mechanism, alerting us to danger and preparing us to deal with it. It involves a sense of dread or apprehension about potential harm or danger.

When a person experiences fear, the body triggers a series of physiological changes known as the “fight-or-flight” response. This response, mediated by the sympathetic nervous system, includes an increased heart rate, faster breathing, tensing of muscles, and a surge of adrenaline and other stress hormones. These changes prepare the body to either confront or flee from the threat.

Beyond this immediate response, there is also a concept known as the “structural state of fear,” where fear becomes a more constant. This baseline level of fear can significantly influence behavior and decision-making. When fear is no longer tied to immediate, tangible threats but is instead a persistent state, it can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and avoidance behavior.

This can manifest as a general reluctance to take risks or try new experiences, leading to missed opportunities and a restricted sense of personal freedom. Over time, this can contribute to a cycle of fear where the lack of action or experience reinforces the fear itself, making it more difficult to break free from.

This ongoing state of fear can impact physical health as well. Chronic activation of the stress response system can lead to a range of health issues, including heart disease, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, and a weakened immune system. It can also have significant psychological effects, contributing to conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, or panic disorders.

Working in a similar way to ‘Nightmare Washer’ and ‘Shame Washer’, this energetic programming will dissolve the fears that linger inside you, damaging and preventing you from living to your best potential.

Use it 1 to 2 times a day. It can be very powerful. It’s better to go slow on this one. Enjoy the process.


Hey @Psychic_University I am wondering about the immune system boost field. I read the article attached but it’s very long and it’s hard to distinguish what’s in the field and what isn’t and how this field will affect the immune system. Wondering if this one is safe for small children as well as adults.

Please advise, and thanks so much!

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Navigating Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto just joined Aquarius. This period allows the deep, transformative influence of Pluto to work through the themes associated with Aquarius, such as technological advancement, social reforms, and the evolution of collective ideals and systems. I created this to help you navigate this new era of radical shifts and uncertainty.
Pluto themes are: deep transformation, rebirth, and the uncovering of truths lying beneath the surface.

Aquarius themes are: innovation, humanitarianism, technology, and radical shifts in societal structures

This field offers insights and guidance on navigating and contributing to these transformative waves, helping users understand and adapt to changes in societal norms, community structures, and collective goals.

With Pluto’s transit through Aquarius, there’s an anticipated surge in technological innovation that fundamentally alter how we live, work, and connect with each other. So this field also help explore these advancements, providing a forward-looking perspective on how emerging technologies can be harnessed for personal and collective growth, and preparing you for a more digitized and interconnected future. Of course, helping you to get an edge on using this new technological advancement for your highest purpose.

With Pluto in Aquarius, there is also deep transformations in how individuality is expressed and understood. So this field also helps you navigate the balance between asserting your unique identity and contribution to the collective, developing a sense of community without losing your personal authenticity.

Let’s also not forget Pluto’s role of deconstructing, revealing the decay in what no longer serves and making room for new ways of being. In Aquarius, this means challenging and dismantling outdated societal paradigms, belief systems, and structures that hinder progress and equality. Therefore, this field will boost your critical thinking and openness to new ideas, equipping you with the mindset to question the status quo and embrace the new paradigms emerging in this era that will last 20 years.

The combination of Pluto’s transformative power and Aquarius’s penchant for sudden changes and innovation results in a period marked by unpredictability. So this field helps you cultivate flexibility, resilience, and a readiness to pivot in response to sudden social shifts and personal awakenings, embodying the idea that in the flux of transformation, where lies great potential for growth and discovery.

On top of that, the field will help you with the negative effects of the struggle the collective may feel on this transit, as well as some Pluto blessings for the time period.

2 times a day is a good usage amount.


this is a useful field for the next 20 years :slight_smile:


what does it do?

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What the field does was explained in Mucc’s post. But here’s more context which I got from chatgpt based on this question: “tell me more about Pluto just joined Aquarius”

And this is its answer:

"Pluto’s transition into Aquarius marks a significant shift in astrological influence that affects collective and individual energies. This event is notable because Pluto spends about 14 to 30 years in each sign, making its influence long-term and transformative. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, focusing its transformative energy on structures, governments, and institutions. Its move into Aquarius heralds a shift towards revolutionizing technology, social structures, and the way humanity connects on a global scale.

Aquarius is known for its association with innovation, humanitarianism, and community. It values freedom, radical ideas, and social change. Pluto’s energy in Aquarius intensifies these themes, prompting deep, systemic transformations in areas like technology, social justice, and how we conceptualize community and individual freedom.

This period is expected to challenge us to rethink and reshape our collective ideals, pushing for more inclusive, equitable societies. It may also bring advancements in technology and science, with a focus on how these can serve the greater good rather than just individual or corporate interests.

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was between 1778 and 1798, a period marked by revolutions and significant social changes, including the American and French revolutions. This historical context gives us clues about the potential themes and issues that could surface during Pluto’s current transit through Aquarius.

Key influences of Pluto in Aquarius include:

  • Accelerated technological and digital innovations, potentially leading to both breakthroughs and challenges around privacy, cybersecurity, and the digital divide.
  • A push towards more egalitarian social structures, with increased activism around issues like climate change, social justice, and economic inequality.
  • Changes in how communities are formed and function, with a likely increase in digital and global communities over local or traditional structures.

As Pluto’s influence is both subtle and profound, the changes it brings may not be immediate but will unfold over the years it transits Aquarius."


Oh, yes, Pluto is mega transformative.
It’s been moving through my personality house in my birth chart from 2016 to 2051.
And my life has been split into before and after.


Who is using The Loved Body? I love the music and it is really effective with instructions


@Mucc This is stunning

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1 hour loop (after regular 1/day + mandala)
went from 0 to 100 real quick

and a little bit of uh uh

had to look up vedanta real quick

Also targets advertisement among many other things one might not think of.
I had done shadow work and trauma healing etc. on some topics and it still wasn’t resolved. I just now noticed internal dialogue having switched.

Used Naga Shield immediately afterwards. Stay grounded.

Thank You, @Psychic_University :pray:



Is the the Cancer Treatment Protocol also safe to use for healthy people as a preventive measure? Or only for people who have actually cancer? Thank you.



Is my understanding correct that this field will only heal “the wounds” that these astrological aspects have caused during my lifetime, but will not remove or change these aspects in my natal chart? Thank you.


While waiting for his response, @JAAJ

Important note by PU on Patreon,

What this field here does is to heal the wounds that these placements created, not ‘stop’ them

Also, recommended to use specific astro fields to those challenging aspects in your chart.
eg. What I have been using for the past year, Saturn for my tricky square, Venus for my 20yrs Mahadasha, and so on. :slightly_smiling_face:


I love the music too! From Laputa: Castle in the Sky!
I found the song here, there’s a whole remix album from Studio Ghibli movies. I can’t talk about results though, I haven’t been using it regularly enough.