Psychoanalysis' obstacles to Enlightenment

according to psychoanalysis there are three distinctive obstacles to enlightenment and the cause of mental illness in men.

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different forms of jouissance (a term often translated as “enjoyment” or “pleasure,” but carrying connotations of an excessive, transgressive pleasure that goes beyond the pleasure principle). here are explanations and examples of three key forms of jouissance:

  1. Jouissance of the Other (Jouissance de l’Autre):
  • Explanation: This form of jouissance refers to the pleasure one derives from the Other, where the Other is a symbolic entity or a significant other. It’s linked to the idea of seeking fulfillment or validation from something or someone outside oneself. It’s often associated with the desires and demands of the symbolic order (language, law, societal norms).
  • Example: Imagine a person who finds immense pleasure in being recognized and praised by their peers. Their sense of self-worth and enjoyment is heavily dependent on the approval and validation they receive from others. This external source of pleasure can be seen as the jouissance of the Other.
  1. Jouissance of Sense (Jouissance du sens):
  • Explanation: This form of jouissance involves the pleasure derived from meaning-making and understanding. It is the enjoyment found in the process of interpretation, the pursuit of knowledge, and the satisfaction of curiosity. It often relates to the intellectual and cognitive engagement with the world.
  • Example: A researcher or scholar who experiences a deep sense of pleasure and fulfillment when solving a complex problem or discovering a new theory. The enjoyment comes from the intellectual stimulation and the sense of making sense of something previously unknown or obscure.
  1. Phallic Jouissance (Jouissance phallique):
  • Explanation: Phallic jouissance is related to the pleasure associated with the phallus, which in Lacanian theory is a symbol of power, authority, and the law of the symbolic order. It often relates to the pleasure tied to possessing, displaying, or identifying with power and authority within the symbolic realm.
  • Example: Consider a politician who experiences a sense of intense satisfaction and pleasure from wielding power and authority over others. The enjoyment they derive from their position of power, the ability to influence and control, and the recognition of their symbolic authority exemplifies phallic jouissance.

To summarize:

  • Jouissance of the Other is about deriving pleasure from the validation and recognition by others or the symbolic order.
  • Jouissance of Sense is the pleasure of intellectual engagement and meaning-making.
  • Phallic Jouissance involves the pleasure associated with symbolic power, authority, and identification with the phallus as a symbol.

These forms of jouissance highlight different aspects of human experience and desire, illustrating how enjoyment and fulfillment can be sought in various ways within the structures of language, society, and personal identity.