Psychosis: Infinitization, Abyss & Symbolic Death

Freud argued that whatever is cancelled from the ego (interior), in other words, what becomes impossible to assimilate to the ego, returns from the outside (exterior) as a judgement of existence. Which creates reality (which is subjective).

This helps to understand the underlying mechanism of Psychosis.

In Neurosis, what is expelled from the symbolic order of possibilities (interior), is the subject. Because the subject ignores that reality is his particular reality and not universal for everyone (this manifests in complains about reality and impotence about it not being the way the neurotic would like it to be, because he is passive in his reality).

So, in this sense, the subject is expelled from the symbolic order (becomes an impossibility within the symbolic order of possibilities) and returns from the outside (exterior), named “the Real”, as a differentiated existence.

What makes reality ordered and stable is a subjective function created by a cord/knot that articulates subjective experience given by rules/norms/negations placed by society/family.

In Psychosis, what is expelled from the symbolic order of possibilities is what regulates/articulates the order itself. Therefore, the cord/knot that makes reality stable and ordered is lost.

The limits and margins of reality are gone, and the subject suffers a symbolic death, which manifests in a lack of delimitation between “interior and exterior”, all sorts of symbolic entities (inside) return from the Real (exterior/outside) in the form of hallucinations and infinitization of subjective experience (for example, in suffering).

This is logically represented by hyperbolic gaps in the Imaginary/Symbolic registers that do not close reality, but they open it and create their respective asymptotes to the infinite (that never close). Where there were margins, now there are abysses for the lack of the function of the order that was expelled from itself (paternal metaphor in the Symbolic & phallic signification in the Imaginary).


At the end of his teachings in 1976, Lacan argued that the signifier and its structures are made out of entropic energy.

His famous constation that “The subject is a void” comes to mind. It also makes me try to think of ways of how to “fill” this subjective void (the void expresses itself through desire, I think). Maybe you have something on that?

Afaik the subject for Lacan is insubstantial (that would be the void you mentioned).

It’s an attachment rooted in desire to fill an abscence/gap located in erogenous holes of the body and that gap is extracted outwards into reality as a false object to attempt to fulfill it. This attachment knots all three registers (R S I).