Hi. Wondering if there’s a new ETA for the release? Or is anything going on behind the scenes?
:))))))) hahaha
everything about this NFT has been so interesting ; from how the group formed to how the final product eventually shaped and the very preliminary interventions of a special goddess; planting the idea of this NFT
there isn’t anything going behind the scenes about this one; except that we are all super-mega-waiting for this NFT :)))
creators, designers, group members, and forum members alike :))
Oh hey! Moshiro, you may think you have gone unnoticed but I actually know and recognize your account and forum interactions :)))
Now I wish we had a testing phase for this NFT before it comes out!! I’d have glazed my hair with the sound of this NFT all the time! But no, we are all awaiting the grande release of this NFT!
I’m glad your interactions are coming in their spark with yours truly :)))
Hopefully in the next batch
I’m holding strong keeping some cash on the side to be able to get this field. It’s getting tough because there are a few other fields I’ve been wanting also lol.
There is one last requirement for this field to be done — I have spoken to the mods and everyone, including Dream requires the FINAL public affirmation of the people promising to purchase this NFT.
This NFT is constructed of EVERYTHING that details the hair and transforms it into a MASSIVE shift — You have all also seen how The Deep Remodeling induced Major shifts to the face.
Imagine this, but for every single problem that faces the hair.
This is a Transformative project — made by the people, the researchers, and +7 months in the work of myself.
Every vote gets this project up in the air once again. For every vote, we get another confirmation that yes, You WILL buy the product — even if after months time.
For lurkers, please sign up an account just to enter your vote. I can see y’all watching this thread with more than 20.0k views at the moment.
Every vote counts.
Premium Tier pricing — ETERNAL Level. — exactly $775
- Are you kidding me? I have been waiting for this for years!!
0 voters
You have two Yesses to chose from haha
This will go to gumroad?
NFT On the Sapienshop
If you intend to purchase or if the product gathers your interest - please vote
Voting is the only way this gets made
So … Vote everyone!
Please vote everyone let’s get this made!
250 Copies - ONLY if the people vote!!
hah ofcourse voted, will wait for the next sale to grab it, I’m sure plenty of copies will be left!
With 20k people waiting for this one NFT to solve it all- I cant promise ya
But Let’s get this one done at all first and foremost!!
Vote people! Vote!
lol 20k! yeah let’s see!!
Haha the thread has massive views it’s crazy!
Winner of the thread with the most polls - after the infamous Polls Mega Thread (Funny & Serious)
I cracked and bought some things on the sell that just passed up. Didn’t think this was getting released anytime soon based on the info that there were already 100’s fields to be made already in queue. I will for sure hustle up some money to buy this or just put it on a CC and pay it off overtime lol.
I mean when you think about it this is still a really good deal. Hair transplants are going to run you around… lets say 5k-10k (usd) if not more depending on how much work needs done. Say you wanted to save some money and travel to another country to get it done in a place that will do it cheaper, lets say for half the price around 2.5k. You will still have to travel, hotel fees, get the transplant done and sit back and wait to see if it was successful or not which can take about a year (if no complications pop up of course). Also its said you would be recommended to be on medication for life such as fin or dutasteride to make sure the transplant stays.
With this field costing only $700 that is still a steal considering its going to be doing the same exact thing just in the comfort of your own home.
This is one field I’ve been waiting on that’ll help with a really big issue for me personally so I’mma try to get this one asap or hustle to get it lol.
Appreciate the spirit! You held on for a long time probably and then had no signs of this coming anytime soon!!
But now - not only the chance is here, but the votes quite literally amp up this chance to have it made. Each vote propels the movement forward!
And this is a good perspective on the hair transplants— these are naturally expensive, experimental, and the uncertainty of it rules the scene.
Dream has literally invented the same method with the Hair Serum! I can only imagine what he is capable of doing now.
A magical dermal papilla — that is just the beginning of the project.
At this deal, $775 is definitely a steal!
Are there only 250 copies in total?
It’s a large number - considering the max amount of votes has been 120 and another 120 for two polls - we are going with the average here
If we want more, then we will have to get more votes in.
Votes is the only way through!