Public Project: Present Best Potential

Check this out:

Perhaps we could use the ingredients stated for this field. (fyi I am not affiliated with this company in any way shape or form)

Also, as a name, how about:

The Great Reset



what will be meant by this? the emotional aspect? physical? mental? or all at the same time? if all three aspects, then the field should have the intellectual ability to determine which of the three directions is weak. And first improve the weak direction.To create at first a strong base for the subsequent improvement of being

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Maybe add an element of sun gazing. Could also be like a cold waterfall?

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Modafinil has been found to have effects that might match the project’s ideas :man_shrugging: :

So many good ideas here so far… getting goosebumps! Glad someone brought up something akin to mild workout too. As a mild workout is great way to get beingness back into form.

Keep em coming!



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If one draws big powers i prefer to have it purely energetic without any physical fields.

A mix of The Flow and The Reality Bubble made out of Golden Light that shifts you in a desired reality no matter what outside is happening.

Uses certain aspects of the flow that shifts one into negentropic action (success) that turns every matter or “metal” into gold. Unless like Reality Bubble it doesn’t cut one out but does attune one into a phase where negativity cannot exist (vaikuntha on earth basically, also your microcosm being will to that attuned and every entropy will collapse), all together tweaked with astrological effects (amplify and nullify) and shiva’s damru for some extra coherence (or great central sun to have unlimited fuel avaiable?)

Let’s call it Sunny Boy.


Perhaps we can incorporate this field to provide the energetic boost?


Wake up in Shaolin temple, go for a run on the steps of Songshan mountain, come back down, do some quick workout, take all the pure negatively charged ion air, then take a cold ice bath, sit for meditation, put on nice clothes (Warrior outfit) and take your weapon to go conquer the day. Warrior archetype can be emphasised a lot for this field.

This pretty much sums up what this can have.


a function to recapture the best state you ever had(physical, mental, emotional) similar to youth recapture
Recapture the best state you ever had, the audio/nft will take you back to that special point in life when you were full of energy and potential, tell the core of your being to let you experience it whilst listening to audio/connecting to nft


How about something related to physical healing @SammyG

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How about a powerful charge for the three dantiens and the central meridian to have loads of energy for all the things happening within?


Best Self Now
The Present Potentializer
Your Present Best
Presentus Maximus

Euphoric Feeling
Release of Inhibitions
Increase of Motivation (that exciting feeling where you WANT to do the work and it feels good to do it)

Those 3 make me feel like I am omnicompetent


Higher Embodiment
Igniting Spirit
The Catalyst
Ambitious Spark

Some humor… :laughing:
Under pressure
“Violence Speed Momentum”
Revin Up
Light 'em Up

Omg i realized something… imagine RPG spells / skills / abilities like from Warcraft.

I may add more later by updating this post

oh what a beauty, lol remember i was up for basically 5 days straight with a hour or two nap in total.

felt amazing and didn’t have harsh decline coming off it, super subtle stuff.


Project has come to an end. Many of your ideas have been brought to fruition here, The Self Refresh . Thank you all so mcuh for contributing. Many excellent ideas I may have never thought of and having used the field, I feel like I can literally do anything right now. Works just as you’d expect this grand combination of fields to work!

And I took some advice here and decided cold water therapy could use its own field. I take cold showers every single day and the benefits are tremendous. For those who don’t have it in them to do so… well, that’s what the field is for.

Someone mentioned the katsuzo nishi system. It was going to be added but upon speaking to dream, we remembered the tibetan rites which are one of our favorite practices throughout the years that has many physical and spiritual benefits. Doing it daily does what self refresh is aiming to do… have you work at your fullest potential. So we made an automated version of that. But of course, doing the actual practices is always more beneficial!


Maaaan creating these is so fun! We should do more. Always a pleasure to co-create with you folks.


Also for the talents?


Captain created three different fields…and he created Cold Water Therapy!


How did he do it so quickly?!


Thanks @SammyG for this co-creation, we should do it more and release more.

Thanks @Captain_Nemo, finally I can have ice cold baths through out the year! I was only thinking yesterday that you probably would release this before Christmas holidays but this is a real surprise!