Public Project: Present Best Potential

Hello everyone! This is a public project we can all contribute to. The current name of the project is Present Best Potential but I realllly don’t like the name lol. Suggestions on the name are very welcome.

The goal for this field is to reset your beingness, however it is at this moment, to its best working potential. So, taking account your current state of being, the field should set you into the best functioning you at the moment.

It’s like how when you’re extremely tired, a cup of coffee wakes you up rather quickly so you can function. This field is similiar and can be seen as something to stimulate your mind, body and spirit to uplift all your potential to its best working capacity at the moment.

So for example, I would like cold water therapy to this field as the practice stimulates the entire nervous system and releases norepinephrine, rapidly setting off a cascade of adaptive effects that influence aspects of metabolism, brain function, and genetic expression. It’s a BIG wake up to your mind, body and spirit.

Perhaps having a field that clear brain fog, stuck patterns of thought or just any distracting energies in the body, and instills a present flow of consciousness. Getting you into a ‘here and now’ flow of being where you are in a positive stream of being. You could have been in a negative place but now this field clears you up and sets you back into a positive flow of being.

A mild brain stimulation field that gets your brain working to optimal potential. Increase focus, memory recall, pattern recognition. Anything to give a good enough boost in brain functioning so you have a clearer and better mind to work with.

These are just some ideas. I would love to hear all of yours.

Also, this might seem like an all in one field but it isn’t. This isn’t meant to be some field to replace all others. It’s not meant to be so much for growth as individual fields are but more so to snap you into your current best working potential so that you can go through life more positively, efficiently and spiritually in tune.

I do think through daily use, it can become more habitual for your mind/body/spirit to naturally work at these higher levels of potential though.

(Haven’t decided on NFT or Gumroad yet)


Maybe elements of energetic/subconscious blockage removal as well?
or/ and a little help in bringing our hidden or suppressed talents to surface and making use of them?
Would it be too much combined with effects mentioned in OP?


Call it Your Cornerstone ;)
I love love love the cold therapy effects in it, just wow


OOOU i love this idea :mechanical_arm:


@SammyG This sounds amazing! Will definitely contribute!

Why not just make it both audio and mandala and sell on Sapien’s website?


Name idea: The Snap


Awesome idea, Sammy!
stop procrastination for sure. some elements of love and releasing to be in the present moment, and magic, like light fae energy for joy.


I need to ask what do people mean when they say they will contribute? :stuck_out_tongue: ike making an artwork or audio? or parts of field? this always makes me confused


Possible names:

Best Self Possible

Best Me Possible

My Potential

Field could pre-measure what we can be at our highest potential. The hypothetical measure as seen with dream of purity,
And then the field’s intelligence would provide actual means to apply on the user that what the field scans is required to actually become the best self possible.
So it would be extremely flexible here, and ofc work for each individual with that what makes them live their best potential possible.


Some name ideas:

  • Here and Now!

  • My Extra Mile

  • Maximum Potential Enabler

  • Productivity Enabler

  • Flow, Now!

  • Cybercoffee

  • Focus Resetter

  • Personal Pusher

  • My Gentle Personal Butt Kicker

  • Mindset Maker

  • State Snaper

  • Laziness Destroyer

  • Sloppiness Killer

  • Synergy Realizer

  • The Wake Up Pill

  • Peak Performance Pill

  • Zen & Zenith

  • Step Forward And Fly

  • Personal Rocket Fuel

  • My Best Self

  • Point of Peak Performance

  • The Joy of Doing

  • Flow & Grow

  • Stream of Productivity

  • The NZT Effect

…more ideas later.


This would be great. Some form of self support for the times when you get stuck in a rut of despair.


dang, JAAJ. way to go! :slight_smile:


Cold water therapy, ice cold baths are must, I am actually hoping to have it as a separate field and someone also requested for cryotherapy. If Captain will do this, hope he will release it separately as well.

Being in a negatively charged ion space, on a mountain would help as well. And capturing the pure air in the early morning hours which is ideal for meditation and having that supplied with this field/NFT.

The name that comes to my mind - Zero Kelvin Potential :joy:

Gumroad would be a better option, play the field and get into the flow. Or best play the field and have a cold shower!


i would like something in it like not being affected by others. their comments or just their awareness of me doing something. (i live with someone who can not leave the apartement.)


I think some strong pushes to actually make you perform or to be in your best potential. Instead of like hiding it away for whatever reason.

To remove the fear that is holding one back from it.

Then one can easily shine in it, without liimting themselves.


Rolls off the tongue nicely :+1:

I think maybe some elements of The Silent Mind would be good, it can be hard to be at your apex productivity level when you’re not fully present in the current moment. Overthinking leads to distraction, procastination, e.t.c


not actually before you do it, but: the excitement that flows in your whole being before you do it. this should also help falling asleep, when you are looking forward to tomorrow, when you have plans.


Best Me Possible sounds Good.

That’s a great name. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Me too…
What is considered as a contribution?
Is it (also) suggestions, like names for the field or suggesting fields and ideas that should be incorporated/integrated in the NFT?
I have not participated in a public project nor in private ones, so I’m kinda clueless (I don’t really have any money - I guess that part is a true deterrent, as well :sweat_smile:).

Wow, that is awesome!


The Self Refresh

Like when a web page starts getting janky and you hit that button


  • State Reloader

  • Performance Reloader

  • Focus Finder

  • Focus Reloader

  • Force of Focus