Blueprint of Relaxation and Stress Release
A smart relaxation, and stress release field that makes you deeply and fully relaxed and calm, both physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically, but in a way that you are still wakeful and alert, not drowsy or sleepy (though that might happen the first couple of times if you are usually very wired up and not used to being relaxed).
A smart portal field that connects with different nature places around the world to give you refreshing, relaxing and therapeutic energies. Like forest bathing from a forest in Alaska, or sunbathing from a beach in Hawaii, a natural hot spring etc. The field would choose what suits you the best at that moment.
A smart field to infuse you with prana and other life force energies to help move the stress out of the body and replenish and refresh you physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically.
A smart field for dissolving or transforming your inner resistance into divine love.
A smart field to dissolve and heal any and all types of fight, flight, freeze and fawn responses, habits and patterns you are in or often get into.
A smart field for total safety, trust and comfort, so that you can relax and let go even easier.
A smart field for cold water therapy and some sort of breath work (like Wim hof breathing) would go well with this also.
All of these fields working together in a smart harmonious way, to make you feel completely relaxed, calm, stress free and refreshed and renewed, so that you can face life in a new and more resourceful state. Feeling like you have just been on the most perfect vacation ever!