Public Project: Present Best Potential

Blueprint of Relaxation and Stress Release

A smart relaxation, and stress release field that makes you deeply and fully relaxed and calm, both physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically, but in a way that you are still wakeful and alert, not drowsy or sleepy (though that might happen the first couple of times if you are usually very wired up and not used to being relaxed).

A smart portal field that connects with different nature places around the world to give you refreshing, relaxing and therapeutic energies. Like forest bathing from a forest in Alaska, or sunbathing from a beach in Hawaii, a natural hot spring etc. The field would choose what suits you the best at that moment.

A smart field to infuse you with prana and other life force energies to help move the stress out of the body and replenish and refresh you physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically.

A smart field for dissolving or transforming your inner resistance into divine love.

A smart field to dissolve and heal any and all types of fight, flight, freeze and fawn responses, habits and patterns you are in or often get into.

A smart field for total safety, trust and comfort, so that you can relax and let go even easier.

A smart field for cold water therapy and some sort of breath work (like Wim hof breathing) would go well with this also.

All of these fields working together in a smart harmonious way, to make you feel completely relaxed, calm, stress free and refreshed and renewed, so that you can face life in a new and more resourceful state. Feeling like you have just been on the most perfect vacation ever! :sun_with_face: :camping: :beach_umbrella:


Maybe add Gamma Brain Wave field for full focus?

Description from Patreon:


Audio and mandala please


Alchemy of Best Potential

Recreating the Katsuzo Nishi system of exercises
If the Captain is interested, I can do the details.

it’s more of a physical level, but the Captain recreated the Microkinesi-Therapist beautifully
(this is an example.)

The Nishi Health System is a set of interrelated rules and wellness exercises, a kind of lifestyle that develops the habit of living according to the laws of nature and allows the healing of a person as a unified holistic organism.

And the system itself is very cool to start the morning and be productive during the day

of course the exercises are one of the chains of his whole system
Vibrating exercises of the system perfectly raises the energy potential, increases tone, improves capillary function, restores balance in the body, normalizes the nervous system, ect

this system was supposed to be included in one project, but after merging the two projects it just didn’t fit lol
this might be of interest to Captain


Recovery of hidden and abandoned talents.
Talents guide you towards the best way.
Talents make opportunities blossom and receive new proposals, including the job offers.


Really really love this concept.

@SammyG Expanding on @donut 's nice idea … Alchemical Snap. :relaxed:


Damn, you all have great ideas and names, I got none! :joy:

Oops, I got one: Stop Being Mediocre! :joy:
That’s a great name (or perhaps not). :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


This right here :handshake:🏽


My suggestions are

  • Combined effects of Emotional Release, My Personal Emotional and Mental Supporter and Radical Positive & Emotional Change

  • Elements of Positive Power Waves, going beyond ‘positive energy’ only (if useful)

  • Fields to remove negativity and self-sabotaging patterns

  • Confidence boost

  • Something for breathing and oxygenation

  • The Brain Refresher effect on other relevant parts of the body?

Maybe an energetic showing and guidance to simulate, on us, the effects of watching / reading the best inspirational stories?

what about a field that searches inside you for a self-created, personal story, that will inspire and make you enter your best state, and then this story is energetically generated for you as the field works on the other stuff


Check this out:

Perhaps we could use the ingredients stated for this field. (fyi I am not affiliated with this company in any way shape or form)

Also, as a name, how about:

The Great Reset



what will be meant by this? the emotional aspect? physical? mental? or all at the same time? if all three aspects, then the field should have the intellectual ability to determine which of the three directions is weak. And first improve the weak direction.To create at first a strong base for the subsequent improvement of being

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Maybe add an element of sun gazing. Could also be like a cold waterfall?

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Modafinil has been found to have effects that might match the project’s ideas :man_shrugging: :

So many good ideas here so far… getting goosebumps! Glad someone brought up something akin to mild workout too. As a mild workout is great way to get beingness back into form.

Keep em coming!



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If one draws big powers i prefer to have it purely energetic without any physical fields.

A mix of The Flow and The Reality Bubble made out of Golden Light that shifts you in a desired reality no matter what outside is happening.

Uses certain aspects of the flow that shifts one into negentropic action (success) that turns every matter or “metal” into gold. Unless like Reality Bubble it doesn’t cut one out but does attune one into a phase where negativity cannot exist (vaikuntha on earth basically, also your microcosm being will to that attuned and every entropy will collapse), all together tweaked with astrological effects (amplify and nullify) and shiva’s damru for some extra coherence (or great central sun to have unlimited fuel avaiable?)

Let’s call it Sunny Boy.


Perhaps we can incorporate this field to provide the energetic boost?


Wake up in Shaolin temple, go for a run on the steps of Songshan mountain, come back down, do some quick workout, take all the pure negatively charged ion air, then take a cold ice bath, sit for meditation, put on nice clothes (Warrior outfit) and take your weapon to go conquer the day. Warrior archetype can be emphasised a lot for this field.

This pretty much sums up what this can have.


a function to recapture the best state you ever had(physical, mental, emotional) similar to youth recapture
Recapture the best state you ever had, the audio/nft will take you back to that special point in life when you were full of energy and potential, tell the core of your being to let you experience it whilst listening to audio/connecting to nft


How about something related to physical healing @SammyG

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