Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence

What was it like?

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Physical sensations sort of started giving me anxiety so maybe it wasn’t even anything dangerous at all but it made me react with fear.

It was like a twitch. I felt the same thing during an MRI last week. In my chest area. But that was radiation.


They should be the effects of reaching the state of heart coherence.
I had the same effects almost ten years ago when I attended a live course based on this.


An intermediate overview of Pure Magnetic Coherence based on reviews/testimonials above:

  1. Emotional Well-Being: Users report increased emotional stability, groundedness, and happiness. The field helps in managing negative emotions and promoting a positive state of mind.
  2. Improved Relationships: Users note improved interactions with others, effective conflict resolution, and deeper connections, even with ex-lovers.
  3. Physical Benefits: Reported physical changes include improved muscle tone and skin texture, possibly attributed to the rejuvenating effects of DHEA.
  4. Empathy and Resilience: The field enhances empathy while reducing the impact of negative emotions from others. Users feel more resilient in handling challenging situations.
  5. Spiritual and Personal Growth: Users describe profound spiritual experiences, feelings of unconditional love, and significant personal growth.
  6. Ego Transformation: The field helps transform the ego, making it more cooperative and less reactive, improving communication and conflict resolution.
  7. Mental Clarity: Users notice enhanced mental clarity and a more rational and calm mindset when approaching situations.
  8. Physical Sensations: Reported sensations include warmth in the heart area, related to the field’s effects on the heart and brain, along with pulsating heads and chest sensations linked to heart-brain coherence and emotional release.
  9. Positive Affirmations and Self-Realization: Users experience a rush of positive affirmations and increased self-worth, impacting self-esteem and self-perception.
  10. Healing the Inner Child: Users describe healing experiences for their inner child, including emotional healing and transformation.
  11. Shift in Focus: A shift from negative to positive thought patterns results in increased peace, happiness, and higher vibrations.
  12. Deep States of Rapport: The field enhances social interactions, promoting rapport and uplifting experiences in group settings.
  13. Unlocking Personal Power: Users suggest that the field enables individuals to unlock and operate from their full power, making previously impossible achievements possible.
  14. Variability in Experiences: The field provides different experiences on different days. Heart Coherence offers nourishing and serene effects, while Body Coherence enhances resources and physical sensations, serving as amplifiers for other audios.
  15. Enhanced Experiences: Users report enhanced experiences of nature, such as a sense of awe and appreciation while watching documentaries like Blue Planet.
  16. Enhanced Manifestation: Listening to the field enhances manifestation abilities, resulting in feelings of lightness, love, and extreme vibrations when looped multiple times.
  17. Heart-Brain Coherence: The field creates coherence between the heart and brain, facilitating manifestation of desires. Emphasis is on the heart’s magnetic field and a coherent heart chakra.
  18. Unexpected Sensations: Users report additional sensations, such as the clearing of blocked sinuses and floral scents, contributing to an overall sense of peace and well-being.
  19. Emotional Healing: The field helps users heal from past emotional trauma and enjoy music associated with negative memories.
  20. Positive Life Changes: Users experience improvements in mood, energy, and focus, associated with personal transformation and emotional well-being.
  21. Health Benefits: One user experienced reduced blood pressure, suggesting potential health benefits.
  22. Improved Psychic Sensations: Users notice heightened psychic sensations and abilities, likely attributed to an increased energetic state.
  23. Enhanced Grounding: Several users find that the field provides an enhanced grounding effect when incorporated into their audio stacks.
  24. Power for Manifesting: Users believe the field is a key element for manifesting desires and goals.
  25. Sensations and Anxiety: Some users initially experience physical sensations in the heart area, leading to anxiety. It’s important to note that reactions to audio fields can vary among individuals.
  26. Emotional Release: The field can induce emotional release from the heart area, similar to the Emotional Release field. Some find it unique but discomforting, while others experience heart palpitations.

These reviews are anecdotical. Results and experiences may vary per person.


An MRI uses magnetic fields, it doesn’t use radiation.


Got it in the current Easter sale. Excited to see what this field can do for me


And? I tend to forget the importance of this field…


It puts the heart-brain into a state of coherence, for the purposes of manifestation.
To enter the state of coherence, the heart and brain must build their own torsional field, to subsequently become unique at the end of the process and access a state in which it is possible to manifest by bypassing all the limiting beliefs and obstacles of the mind, taking into account that the heart it has a capacity equivalent to 4800 times the brain (HeartMath Institute).
If 10 years ago there had been a field like this that takes you into the state of coherence simply by listening to it, I would have avoided useless and boring meditations.
Thanks for reminding me that this gem of a field exists.


No worries :wink:. I also own the field but I have to remind myself in tons of fields that this one is important and impressive wrt consequences mentally and physically. I need to fit this a permanent stack…

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However, I don’t have it, and in fact I have to remember it for the next purchase, since for any blockages such as abundance, it can be more effective than the specific ones of the subconscious or the ego.
It’s truly an underrated and forgotten field, in my opinion.


I asked ChatGPT about cognitive enhancements when heart and brain are in coherence

The reason is because, I just read that we can only use “10%” of the brain because we lack connection with our hearts.

Creating coherence between the brain and heart can indeed contribute to cognitive enhancement. Here’s how:

1.	Improved Focus and Attention: When the brain and heart are in sync, individuals often experience enhanced focus and attention. This can lead to better concentration on tasks, increased productivity, and improved learning outcomes.
2.	Enhanced Memory: Coherence between the brain and heart has been linked to improvements in memory functions. This can include better retention of information, quicker recall, and overall sharper memory skills.
3.	Faster Information Processing: Synchronization between the brain and heart can result in faster information processing. This means individuals may be able to process and analyze information more efficiently, leading to quicker decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
4.	Increased Creativity: Some research suggests that coherence between the brain and heart can stimulate creativity and innovative thinking. This may be due to a more balanced state of mind and enhanced neural connectivity.
5.	Stress Reduction: Cognitive enhancement is often hindered by stress and anxiety. By achieving coherence between the brain and heart, individuals can better manage stress levels, leading to a clearer mind and improved cognitive performance.

Overall, coherence between the brain and heart can create an optimal environment for cognitive enhancement by improving focus, memory, processing speed, creativity, and stress management.


Full Body Negentropic Coherence is a blessing on my healing days where negative energies wear me down to a very overemotional state and irritability, it sucks…


Does anyone playing this have experiences of faster or improved manifestations?


Very possibly… I use this in the background when I do my daily Joe Dispenza meditation (the one from breaking the habit of being yourself, for clarity) and I have manifesting like a demigod recently haha I am sure that this creates more coherent message to the quantum field / great spirit / universal mind, leading to greater results

Also :relaxed: be careful what you wish for

Manifesting what you want can shake the shit out of your current life, if that is what is needed.


@abro So would you say it is a good idea to pair this field with the new field “attract your desire”?


I can’t say for sure. I can say that heart coherence is an important aspect of the Joe D meditation… and more than likely heart coherence will amplify this kind of manifesting - aligning with the quantum realm and your desires


Hi, first post here.

I recently got into the paid fields from Gumroad and these are on a totally different level.

I was playing Malleable Ego, Self Respect, Plasmafied Near Infrared Chakras, Smart Reiki and The Acu-Automaton last night just before going to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like someone was energetically drilling my upper back with a jackhammer. Something about those fields was clearing or activating my heart chakra in a big way. The intense experience lasted a while and for the rest of that night I just felt a lot of energetic throbbing inside my chest. Woke up feeling just fine in the morning.
So having had that experience, I thought that maybe I could use some extra help with the heart center and bought this field. This feels great, filling up my whole chest with goodness while quieting the mind. I notice that you start perceiving more through the heart rather than the mind while using this. I think all this will be very helpful in opening the heart center more and eventually being able to live through that rather than the mind.

(I guess this gets asked all the time, but is it ok to share a field bought from Gumroad with my mother? She could benefit a lot from one or two which I have.)

Have a great day/night!


Welcome Pelle :relaxed: Sounds like you are quite energy sensitive, you have some nice supportive fields there, I would recommend soul restoration (core) when you can too. And yes, immediate family is ok to share :sparkles:


Oh nice! Looked up Soul Restoration (core) and it looks right up my alley. Probably get that one first thing next month, I’ve already stretched this months budget as far as I can :joy:

And nice to hear that I can share these with immediate family :+1:


Hi there @Pelle!

Here are some links to help you navigate: SapienMed FAQ Collection

Welcome KY Turq seated