"Quantum Codes" - Thoughts?

There is a YouTube channel called Beyond Placebo:

What makes BP different from any other subliminal or field channels is that it utilizes this method called Quantum COdes, which are explained in the below PDF:


What are all your thoughts on it? do you think this works?

These I’ve had incredible results from. Test it out for yourself:


Follow the directions while you watch these videos and see if you feel any energy from it. I sure did…


Hey there, not Frank. How long do we need to stare in each lense? I am going to add this one to the Anti-cancer. Also, I shouldn’t be listening to anything while I use it huh? Like how long do you watch it for?

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When I last used this, I went by feel & intuition. I remember it taking longer than I thought it would, but was very glad I saw it through. Lots of shifts happened after, can’t recall the specifics tho - just remember the feelings.

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I done tried it before, but I didn’t feel anything. Lol…I guess I will do it for 30 minutes.

Good luck brother!

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Thanks bro! :+1:t4:

Is it password protected now?

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@MasterOfYellow I have developed great interest in these Grabovoi codes and I understand that monitoring PRK-1U thing is related to it.
Site is pass protected now, is there another free online alternative?