Quantum Love Node (Patreon)

I’ve printed it and I am wearing it all day and the feeling is addictive :slight_smile:, so I was wondering can I make it even better . I will try with more intentional contact with it.

What about the description saying it can be stacked? This means more copies are making its effects stronger?

I honestly dont know what this means lol


Hah :smiley: , OK I’ll try to ask Dream or Samie about it.

Thanks again for the answers and may the Love be with you ;)

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@Dreamweaver, @SammyG

Hi :slight_smile:,
I suppose noded means that every copy of the image connects with the rest of them. But I am wondering how does the stacking part works.

I confirm what Luna wrote today and in the previous days; this works silently but connects you straight to people’s hearts, and it works immediately, fantastic!

Does it get stronger?


I decided to upload this on my phone for a while. My boy noticed and said this morning “is this picture mum so you love yourself?” Yes kiddo, yes 🩷💜


Another update. Today late afternoon, I took advantage of the beautiful day to go for a nice ride with my racing bike; along the way I met several cyclists who greeted me, but also joggers who usually don’t greet unknown cyclists. During the day I had several nice and friendly conversations with a girl client of the company I work for, we talked a lot like long-time friends while we barely know each other, she walked away not easily, because she had an appointment with a service provider.


I’m thinking of making some stickers of it and put them in random places in the cities and places I visit


Oh nice idea!! Ill join you!


:slight_smile: awesome idea @GamiroCFC
imagine you live in a small village with 100 inhabitants and u see a sapien med sticker someday. :exploding_head:


Sapien Squad has been there.

Tho I’ll really love to live in a villagge where there are 100+ of you living there.

A metaphysical powerhorse


Best Idea.

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I have been using this mandala as a water charger by laminating it and sticking it to my bottle with tape and also been making little homemade bookmarks with nodes between the paper for free gifts w/ orders from my shop.

I haven’t experienced anything too crazy w it yet but this mandala has helped me a few times with anxiety/stress relief/discomfort and I think the fact that this mandala becomes stronger the more ppl connect to it is fire.

Thank you Dream!


Is this also an enviromental field?

Well yes the love spreads all over and its felt by everybody and everything around where is placed


Thank you! My printer chose the wrong moment to stop working :laughing:

Send it Quantum Love :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Absolutely and it makes those people with whom you already have a friendship or a certain empathy become even more so. for example today, a client of the company I work for gave me a cycling vest,
and all the time when she spoke to my colleague, she called it by my name, that is, she always had it
in her mind.
Luna, does the image work even when the device is turned off?

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For the environment i dont think so, for you yes, i noticed it installed/integrated by the Subconscious very fast so it keeps working just by seeing it every now and then, but its not because it crosses the limit of the device being turned off but because its already integrated in you.


Weee! And they are beautifully made by Captain in three designs!! (and more items)

Quantum Love Original (Design)

Quantum Love Tribal (Design)

Quantum Love Abstract (Design)

Quantum Love is in the air and around us! :heart_eyes:
Loving all the designs :relaxed: