Quantum tunnel device

I’ve been eyeing this one for a while and am terribly curious about it.

did someone try it and have any results?



Yes i’ve tried it for manifesting.

I used it along with Cone of Power to find a rental house.
I’m not sure which one worked but I used both.

I felt the energy strong. I tried sleeping with it and ended up with a migraine (11 copies :sweat_smile:). So start slow for your body to adjust to it. In general it’s powerful, i’m still learning how to best use it.


This powerful device is a manifestation speeder,it accelerates all the process of the manifestation. It accelerates time also.This tool is very useful along side with all the manifestation NFTS or mandalas of other creators.It sense when you use it like a mantra sound, very high vibration.But it must be used gradualy because it vehiculate very compressed energies.

its a mandala or audio?


It can be used very well with Vibrational Pheromone

thank you

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