Question about chakra spin

No problem, your experience is all that matters. Don’t try to reject anything what your experience shows and avoid anything from braggart people and name droppers, such people are talkers with out an iota of experience!


Didn’t he (Robert Monroe) mention in his last book that he was going to merge with all his other selves and Higher Self and then go beyond “Monroe Level 35” on the astral, which basically means completely finishing off this human incarnational game and moving on to some other challenges/adventures?

If this is the case, then we might not be able to connect with his consciousness, even through astral travel, until we can leave beyond “Monroe Level 35” as well? :thinking:


His channeled book “Menus For Impulsive Living” is probably the most interesting self management book that I’ve ever read.


For me it went like this:

I was looping Higher Self and Blueprint of Psychic Mastery audios and for 2 days straight, even while sleeping, I had the intrusive idea and internal push to just blindly go and buy PU’s “Subconscious Dissolver with the Higher Self” field. As I always try my best to listen to my Higher Self, I just went ahead and did so. A few hours later, after looping the new field, I instantly felt the effects and knew that PU’s fields are trustworthy and working super well.

Me neither and this for a variety of reasons, like me refusing to accept any strong external influences onto my reality, me not properly understanding the whole topic of astrology etc.

But as mentioned before, when my Higher Self tells me to do something then I do it. This is how I acquired the “Astrologically Inclined NFT” and PU’s Physical, Intelligence and Abundance Astro Buffs.

PU’s energy fields (Jing, Chi, Shen, Ojas) have also Astro Buffs in them, but so far I have only acquired and tested the Jing and Chi one.

When I asked PU about the influence of the Natal Chart onto our lives, he mentioned that it is almost something around 50%, which really shocked me as I have never imagined it to be that of a large amount.

From my current understanding, a Natal Chart is like a “morphic field”, an energetic influence that is always there in the background, that you automatically acquire depending on the place and time of your birth, and that “natal morphic field” influences your whole life and incarnational setup, with the strength of the mentioned 50%.

Luckily, we have fields now to completely change and reset this Natal Chart morphic field to our full advantage.

@Mr.Nobody Thanks for reminding me about that Karma Cleaner field. What I don’t understand is how those crystal stone energies are supposedly working on “karma”?
Isn’t the better approach to just play “Subconscious Dissolver with the Higher Self” and ask the Higher Self to remove all that “karma”? (Whatever that “karma” is, as you guys know I don’t believe in it but am open to the idea that it might still exist somehow…)

So in that sense, “karma” just means making the unconscious conscious? And by this, no longer let it unknowlingly decide our fate?


Basically, yes. There are many kinds of karma but ultimately when you realize you are not the body and the “I” and stop identifying with all that happens to it, you stop creating karma.

I think we talked about this on Discord before.

You should read the article above Maoshan posted about the last days of Ramana Maharishi.


Chakras used and planets/energies associated and programmed into the centers are dependent upon the method being used.

Enochian practitioners often use a different planetary setup to work with those aliens. Its effective.

As for chakra spin usually just a decent focus on the microcosmic orbit and proper fueling and firing of the lower dantien resolves the need to worry about them. Techniques that focus solely on chakras I’m not overly familiar with. The the conversations I’ve had with some practitioners informed me that method and planetary energies play a big part in having them work properly if one’s goal is to open up the major head nodes.

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I don’t think the effect are coming from the crystal alone, he uses them as an enhancer otherwise the Fat Burn Crystal Alchemy wouldn’t make any sense.

There are different method to do things, just experiment and choose what works best for you.

Maybe a nft can do that even better or maybe you just tap into your higher self directly and tell him to do it without any field and that might work even better? Who knows.


I had another idea regarding the energy flow of the body.
Is there an accurate depiction of this flow when the polarities (left, right side/ back and front etc) are harmonized?
Found stuff on the internet that it goes upwards on the left and downwards on the right at least on the front side.
Back side I’m not sure maybe the opposite (down on the left and upwards on the right side). Or just the same.
Would appreciate some insights or reliable sources where I could look it up other than trying it out myself with star exercise for example haha.

Maybe it would correlate with the functioning of the chakras.
Maybe it is also just what one wants to achieve in that certain moment.

If the aura is a torus, the directional spin cycles should have a correlation to what the chakras are doing. Different lines of force on the torus can be related to specific chakra spin effects

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I had the same idea. Then how would you picture it? I thought that for example the front side (chest) of the heart chakra spins to the right side (from your point of view clockwise) then the backside would spin along the same direction or the other direction. Looking from the back outwards “same direction” with the front part would be spinning to the left. The other would be the right side.


I dunno… I haven’t had the sensitivity to perceive it in detail.

I’d imagine that the chakra can be considered a bit like a cylinder and the movements of the currents in the central channel and wider energy body will be like a belt on a drive shaft. I’d guess that the movements would be the same front and back :man_shrugging:


Been working my way through Kurt Leland’s work. Won’t say I am getting full 3d technicolor chakra vision but it is definitely taking what I felt was decently adept visual skill (most of which developed while mastering totemics for Ritualis Jewelry) and adding some serious depth. He said himself that he can perceive chakra color, spin, and position from his Etheric and Astral body perspectives, and that seems to match what Barbara Brennan and Laura Styler both report. Pretty amazing to find systematic and repeatable frameworks to get this capacity dialed in!

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2nd hand info so take with grain of salt but from my talks with Laura Styler, it seemed to me the front and back halves spin together when healthy and in alignment, like gears that ratchet together and move in unison.

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