Question about chakra spin

Hi guys I have a question that is on my mind for some time now. In which direction do your chakras spin? If they spin of course. Front and back. Do you think it matters or that the spin also influences the rest of the energy flow in the body? I tried to figure it out on what’s “better” but I don’t know honestly.
Maybe a spin where everything flows healthy and helps to connect to the HS or something like that.


As I’ve understood it from Laura Styler, the front and back spin together, counter clockwise from the perspective of you. However I believe that a spin in either direction is fine, though we’d want to jump into one of her classes to be sure.

Halt in the spin is correlated to ailment or misalignment, stuckness, etc.


Someone revealed to me such information, years ago, but I forgot; anyway, he said that it’s better not to mess with the spinning of chakras, if I don’t want to mess things.
Well, that is sort of next level, and I am still stuck in the beginner/basic phase/user regarding chakra techniques, mantras…


Makes sense to me. After working with Laura quite a bit I’ve concluded that I’ll let them rotate as they please and leave the adjustments to her. Like a trusted body worker for my aetheric self.


Yeah, that person who told me those things was/is an energy healer for 20+ years, so I guess he gave me sound advice(s)/knowledge.


I have read somewhere that the chakras spin into opposite directions for the two genders. Not sure if this is true though… :man_shrugging:


Thanks for the answers so far. Just wanna ask my perspective is looking outwards from my point of view so counterclockwise would be lets say on my chest a spin in the left direction from the upper point of the wheel. Or better said I put my right hand on the chest and then start a circular movement starting to the left direction?

Yeah I read that too… and honestly I read all kinds of variations.
Maybe the question is futile haha.


Yes, as I’ve understood my work with Laura, that is it. Like a wheel hanging from a chain on on your neck, the wheel is moving to the left at the top and the right at the bottom.


It’s a good question. I’ll ask her to see if she has any insight to add. Though I’d imagine if there’s a gendered direction it would correlate more to expressed sexual essence in that particular chakra more than gender identity or biological gender.


This is just my personal opinion.

Chakras are one way (of innumerable ways) that these energy centers were interpreted by Indian seers when they became energy-conscious… And a certain speed/direction of spin was attributed to indicate correctly/sufficiently functioning Chakras, and the opposite was considered incorrect/insufficient functioning. The entire concept of Chakras spinning and their direction is a new thing - none of the Hatha Yoga or Tantra texts that defined and discussed the Chakra system talk about that or give any importance to it.

While the Chakra concept became popular in the west (as Madame Blavatsky and Theosophists who brought these concepts to the West were influenced by the Hatha Yoga school who go with the theory of chakras as spinning wheels), the older visualization as Lotuses was forgotten.

Most of the older texts describe Chakras as lotuses and they open as Kundalini passes through - and their opening is a symbol of optimal functioning of the Chakra or an awakening of their higher functioning. I have heard in some occult circles where they are seen as cones of light and the strength of light emanated determines their optimal functioning. The New Age movement had found a new poster child and all kinds of things began to develop around them (which continues to this day)…

The Reiki guys, Pranic Healers, and other healing modalities - all adopted this basic framework and added their own interpretations. I would take these with a pinch of salt, they are just subjective interpretations that might have value within those systems, but not universally.

Everything is moving, in its orbit, around some orbit - there is vibration in every atom and so, it is ok to see it as spinning even if it is a non-physical, astral concept.

So, given that Chakras are just one way to represent energy centers, I don’t think it is really important to analyze if they spin, and which direction, and if that direction is right, etc. These are just various interpretations by different psychics (or just made-up stuff in many cases), and they are subjective. None of these interpretations is the absolute truth.

  • Listen to Sapien’s Chakra fields
  • Meditate, and breathe so your lower Dan-Tien is in a good shape

Whatever needs to happen with Chakras, Kundalini will happen naturally and without force.


There are so many different opinions on that topic. A good working model is this:

Chakras spin in both directions. The clockwise rotation (looking at the chakra from the outside) takes up energy, the counter-clockwise rotation releases used up energy. Therefore both spinning motions are more or less balanced under normal circumstances.
There is no difference between the sexes for the chakra spin.

The chakras of the 7-chakra system are part of the etheric body. The prana they take in is stored and used in the etheric body. According to theosophists, the astral body has his own chakras which differ at least partially from the etheric chakras.


From little I know and read, there is nothing like spinning but more like how visible and bright each chakra or lotus is, and when people say awakening chakras, they mean making them fully bright vibrating at a high frequency.

And they always face Kundalini, dormant at the lowest level. Imagine like a lotus flower with petals drooping downwards like they have no life in them, once the lotus is awakened and fully vibrant the petals get perked up and point upwards to the direction the Kundalini ascends.

Visualization is a very important practice as one ascends the levels in Tantra be it any school (if it is authentic), so it is better if you can visualize them fully bright with the Sanskrit letters on the petals.

These chakras or lotuses are there on the astral body affecting the physical body.

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Since many of you speak of lotus flowers and petals I want to share my teachers view on this:

In ancient India clairvoyant people started to see these shiny and bright things on human (energy) bodies. There was no internet available back then, no light bulbs, most probably not even glass lenses that could even resemble what they saw on the energetic planes. It is very likely that the first people gaining the skills so see energetic structures had no clue what they saw. They had to compare it to something they knew from their rural life and the most similar object to it was a lotus flower. So they described their clairvoyant impression/visions as lotus flowers.
Clairvoyant people in other parts of the world - not knowing what a lotus flower is because back then flowers only grew in their natural habitats - would have described it differently.

Another explanation is that spiritual knowledge often times was considered secret knowledge. It was not for everyone, just for initiated people. So you had to develop secret code words to hide the meaning. When a normal person read a text about lotus flowers he/she thought of nature and probably lost interest really fast. Only the spiritual person knew what the text talked about and could derive wisdom and deeper meaning from it.


I have to agree that I definitely experience my chakras more as opening “lotuses.” I never perceived them as “spinning” but I started my spiritual path reading people like Madame Blavatsky and figured that must be how some people perceive theirs.

I think the form and behavior of our chakras may differ based on how we visualize them.

Btw I recently started reading Tantra Illuminated by Christopher Wallis. I forgot if you or PU suggested it. I am 80 pages in and it’s great.


I quite like Hareesh (Wallis) and he has corresponded with me in the past regarding some articles I’ve written. Nice, knowledgeable chap. Two of his mentors are my good friends - Prof Sanderson and Somadeva Vasudeva.


Nice! It is definitely well written. Any other Tantra books you recommend reading?


I have to agree that the activation of a chakra feels like opening. If you are energy sensitive you can even check the diameter of the chakra and see that it widens. Still the theory that I feel most compelled to is that a higher spinning frequency leads to a wider diameter.


Absolutely. I was blessed to be able to grab a copy of Kundalini Shakti when Dreamweaver released all the extra community NFT copies that were leftover. That combined with Arc Light Body & Rainbow Body Guide has been an amazing experience.

  • Alexis Sanderson, and Dr. Mark Dyczkowski - I love anything written by them.
  • Books by John Woodroffe are amazing too, he was a true, authentic practitioner

Thank you! I have a ton of his stuff. I have an amazing source for downloading PDF books. I will delve into him when I’m done with Tantra Illuminated.

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