Question about chakra spin

@Maoshan_Wanderer this is off-topic but I’d like your take on it.

Regarding the five tibetan rites, I’d read some people develop some problem doing them.

The rites that target specific chakras or pairs seem to be fine, but I’ve read some people had to do the first rite spinning counter-clockwise, because of this “spinning model”.

The idea being that those persons have some chronic conditions (physical or energetic, maybe), and making the chakras spin faster can’t heal it on it’s own and creates a disbalance. So they rotate counter-clockwise to slow them down to the speed the “injured chakra” can reach.

It seems to resolve their problem too.

With a “lotus model” it would be like opening/closing them gradually, so it would be about closing them to the level of the injured chakra.

Does this make any sense?

I think I should keep doing the first rite the way it was intended no matter what?

I haven’t come into problems with it but I think I may…besides it being very draining to me in the end.

If I end up ascribing some symptom to it, would you suggest doing it counter-clockwise or just stop doing it? Or keep pushing through?

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Ok, let me take a stab at your very interesting question.

The two ways to conceptualize Chakra - as Wheels that need to be manipulated, and Lotuses that gently bloom - are from two different schools.

The school of Hatha Yoga (“forced” or “stubborn” Yoga) is about force. Here, they forcibly awaken the Kundalini through physical exercises and breathing techniques by generating “heat” (called Yogagni or Psychic Heat) and consciously pushing the force through the Chakras. Even here, there is really nothing to do with making them spin faster, slower, manipulate direction, etc. All that is just New Age/later additions where New Agers picked up one single concept (Chakras) from larger spiritual disciplines where the Chakra system was designed to work synergistically with other components. A lot of caution is needed and direct guidance from a competent teacher if one is using such methods of force. Also, traditionally, Hatha Yogins worked with individual Chakras mainly to manipulate Kundalini flow through them. When Hatha Yogins talk of Chakra work - it is always in the context of Kundalini.

The Lotus concept visualizes a gentler, more natural approach to these energy centers. Several schools (including mine) follow this approach. Also, the goal is to never close the lotuses traditionally (unless in rare cases where Kundalini takes a downward turn descending into nether realms which is then resulting in the state of Asuras or Demons)…

  • Tantra: Kundalini is personalized as an intelligent, compassionate aspect of the Divine Mother and not an impersonal, physical force that just pierces through and causes various issues.
  • Some Daoist and Souther Indian Yoga schools just focus on filling the lower Dantien (the Tamil Siddhas call it the Kumbha - pot or the navel chakra) with life force and when it saturates and overflows, it automatically transmutes and does everything needed - awaken chakras, Kundalini, etc.
  • Zen and Advaita Schools - they never bother about chakras, Kundalini, and all that; they just focus on Stillness, Non-duality, and everything needed happens automatically.

Tibetan Rites are interesting. If one observes the evolution of Tibetan Tantricism, they essentially combined three systems: the more ancient schools of Shaiva Tantra, Daoist Techniques, and local Tibetan Bon - and arrived at various practices. There really is only one standard way to practice it - but some teachers “may” have individualized these practices to suit specific needs - unless some such teacher recommends modifications based on your current needs, I would stick with the standard routine.

Also, while Chakras are important, 99% of the world does not deal with them at all. Are they awake spiritually, may be not, but are they all dying and suffering from all kinds of horrendous problems? Not really! So, yeah, most people leading relatively healthy, normal lifestyles need not bother with anything to do with Chakras, Kundalini, etc., unless for spiritual purposes or have specific problems.

I absolutely am on board with the idea of taking ancient concepts like Chakras, Kundalini and using them smartly like Dream does… However, here are so many distortions and made-up stuff, it becomes important to discriminate between the worthy vs unworthy…And it is not always easy unless one puts in enough effort to research and experience these concepts.


Thank you for your answer ^^ I need to think through some sutff. Always so knowledgeable :bowing_man:


If you want something to do simple with Chakras, here is what I recommended to my buddy Lucas.

  • Play a Chakra field
  • Focus on the corresponding Chakra - just put gentle awareness on where you think the Chakra is (this location is called Kshetra as the Chakras are not really a physical body thing, but putting in awareness at a certain physical location is like connecting flipping the light switch)
  • No visualizations, no trying to change anything
  • Just breathe gently in and out as though your Chakra is breathing… That’s it

You are now combining: Prana (breath) + Awareness + Morphic Field… no dangers, no troubles!

I do it slightly differently. Instead of breath, I repeat my mantra in each of the Chakras. This way, you are not forcing anything to happen - you are just letting your higher self (accessed through awareness and energized through lifeforce) do just what is right…


Samael Aun Weor, who was my gateway into spirituality, used to dog this school of thought all the time., while he stressed this:

And this here reminded me to ask you about something…

S.A.W. also warned about the descent of the Kundalini in cases where the practitioner isn’t working on integrating the ego, but rather feeding it and like you said, becoming a demon. What I wanted to ask you though is what you think about PI’s view on this written in the description of the new field - “Close Down Aura/Chakras” :point_down:

The chakras comprise of a structure that resemble a flower with petals on them.

After doing extensive energy work especially with the chakras directly, it’s advisable to close them down. When you close your chakras, it closes down your aura too as the chakras exist in the auric layer.

The common spiritual information available online is heavily focused on opening the chakras and keeping them open with little emphasis on closing them back down because in the past so few people were accustomed to working with chakra energy and people wanted to force an awakening in people.

This keeps people open to a constant flow of energy that merely grounding alone will not be able to manage and can cause an overload of energy.

Keeping the chakras constantly open also allows for parasites or energy vampires to keep feeding off your energy. In fact, some spiritual people are tricked into keeping their chakras open so that these entities can keep feeding. They have corresponding chakras like we do just so that they can feed off ours.

**This silent audio closes down the chakra flowers and petals into a closed bud. It focuses primarily on the root chakra to the third eye. We generally keep the crown chakra open to allow for cosmic energy to still flow in. This audio is based on an exercise where you image a zip going from you root to your third eye and then zip it up to close off your energy field but goes a little deeper in cases where entities are trying to feed off our energy. **

**When they attach to our chakras we can feel zapped out of our body or start to dissociate. Shielding does not work against them because what powers the shields is the same energy that’s feeding the parasites. By closing down we starve the entities and they become trapped within our shields with no way out. **

Also, a benefit from closing the chakra flowers/petals down is that we get to integrate the energy/chakra work we’ve done into our inner being. We become accustomed to trying to open up as much as possible without letting any of the work fully integrate and produce the results we’re seeking.

If you’re aiming towards chakra removal/dissolution you can use this to shut down the crown too so you can stop feeding the chakras which allows them to respawn. There are entities trying to force people to regrow their chakras so they can keep feeding so this should lock them out. I’ve read stories where people have tried to remove their chakras but then feel like some chakras are in different places. This is because they are sensing the corresponding chakra of the parasitic entity, If the entity is being forced out of the head or upwards you may sense it’s lower chakras connected to your higher chakras and vice versa if going out of your feet. When it’s moving towards the head, the entity is heading towards death as it will burn in the light but if it’s headed out of the feet it will return to the collective."

I did experiment with this for a week or so and felt like I was integrating fields so much better and keeping my accumulated vital energies, but the idea feels counterintuitive.


I thought this was a myth but read somewhere that Anton Lavey was actively trying to do this and become some form of Demon equivalent of God… Not really sure if it true or just a conspiracy…

Funnily, I came across a subliminal on YT 2 years ago which was trying to push Kundalini below the root saying that is what makes one truly powerful and dark haha


I think it’s real. I’ve also read blogs about people trying to open their “hellish chakras” as they called them and talked about the “hell fire raging within them” like it was a good thing. It was disturbing! :rofl:


Some guy who lives near me sent me an email saying he is now channeling Anton Levay and he (Levay - I know next to nothing about him) wants to talk to me…I was like" whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat"…

And the next sentence was - “we will get burgers and there will be weed”… lol


OMG that’s crazy! You must be someone really important if he’s trying to get a hold of you!


Naaw, I doubt - this guy feels like a weed junkie trying to make some bucks (20 bucks entrance fee haha - burgers & weed extra)



So do you think this closing down chakra thing is counterproductive in the long run? It feels not right, but the results I got from the field were great. My Prana, Jing, Chi, Shen, etc. was staying within longer rather than leaking and fields felt like they were integrating faster. I stopped the field incase though.


I think if someone deliberately manipulated the chakra and visualized force opening it, force spinning it, changing spin, etc., perhaps there is value in doing closing/slowing work? Just thinking out aloud…sort of like reset


I know what you mean. But I definitely didn’t force open them. I’ve always taken the natural approach.

One reason I was conflicted is I felt because the fact I’m working on building the Light Body, that it would help along with that.


Another field I absolutely love for energy work, weirdly, is Brain Regeneration (OM was the one who suggested this use - credit where its due). Ultimately it is all in the brain, and this field works damn well not only to balance energy in chakras, smooth out excesses, but also in enhancing results!


That is definitely fascinating. I’ve been using the original Brain Regeneration lately as it so happens. I often prefer it over Plasma Brain of Youth. I am going to pay attention to see if I notice that from now on.


Some of Doc’s (@Dr_Manhattan) new fields may already cover Brain Regen and more! I have not explored these well enough…

At this point, I’ve accumulated way too many great fields but have not been doing justice to them haha


Yeah I am eyeing some of them to eventually buy. I need to start using Arcturian Brain more often. It feels like it’s geared more towards psychic/consciousness expansion than regeneration though. Probably would complement Brain Regeneration nicely.


Lovely, thank you. I agree with this in general. And there are concepts, structures, forms, and forces that show up consistently, in different cultures, that could not have shared info. Torroidal physics of electric universe and of the chakra and the human aura in general is held as accurate in many modalities that are unrelated. I even asked Laura if she’d heard of electric universe and she hadn’t. She found the spin and shape (a cone is essentially an underdeveloped visualization of a lotus, is it not?) on her own by perceiving into the energy body itself!

So while it is true to say that these are often subjective and not absolute truth, they are also presenting across humanity and time in consistent form. That is significant.

We are non dual entities living in physical form. And within duality the construct has patterns. Even if these patterns are projected assumptions of humanity onto the cosmic universe, they are consistently projected in particular form. Useful to understand but of course, always orient to your own base “language” of understanding it.

Something I appreciated about Monroe and later Erik leiland’s work is they suggest to build your own understanding and model and then compare it to others and learn to translate your ideas into their models. This is an integrated perspective. Helpful to consider the use of ignoring the descriptions of others and also learning them.


Such an amazing guy… We don’t hear about him anymore…sadly…


Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute or a different one?