Question about chakra spin


Please do report back after your burgers and weed chat with Demon Levay :joy:


Same guy!!

Nvm, he seems to have passed in 1995, I thought he was still around! RIP


As Iā€™ve understood it, there is some degree of ā€œopennessā€ of the chakras that is a different energetic process/notion than ā€œexpanded energy centersā€.

The energy center as a whole is healthy when itā€™s expanded, ā€œopenā€, rotating, connected, and in position, but there seems to be a significant distinction between that and the chakra lotus/cone and itā€™s gateway being ā€œopenā€.

The first is more like a healthy happy plant that is upright and reaching out and healthy, while the second is more like a literal door.

I know that in a number of cases, closing these doors while leaving the energy center expanded was essential before entity removal, demon exorcism, or energetic clearing could even stick because things were still flooding through the door.

EDIT: I should add that this matches what Iā€™ve seen and tracked and in cases where I received energetic healing work the sensation of each is very different, and my vitality the following weeks and months was significantly higher with the centers expanded and the chakra-gates closed.


Ah sad.

Yes, Kurt Leland is working with and extending Robert Monroeā€™s work. Iā€™ve just started to dig into some of it to see what there is to find.


To your point about western-adoption and convoluting the original models, Maoshan:


Yes! This distinction makes perfect sense and lines up with PIā€™s description after reading it again. He wasnā€™t clear about the distinction but I can pick up on it now that you stated it. Thank you for pointing this out. It could explain my results with the field.


Excellent. Curious to see how that improves things.

Curious to know more about PIā€™s views. whereā€™s a good place to start?


Yeah Iā€™m going to start using again and see how it goes. I stopped just to be cautious and find out more about it.

PI has a Patreon (which is only $1/month) and Gumroad. He doesnā€™t have a forum or anything but heā€™s a great dude, very helpful and responsive. His email is


Is their such thing as combining love and chakra

If i do the steps you mentioned and play one of the love fields what do u think would happen?


Inner Smile Meditation!

You can customize this Daoist meditation with Love and targeted at Chakrasā€¦And do them while playing love fieldsā€¦

I believe Dr. Glenn Morris taught this meditation customized with emotions such as love, kindness, etc.


Inner Smile - my favorite
Thanks for mentioning! :slight_smile:


thank you


We had Dreamweaver create an alchemy of the Microcosmic Orbit and Inner Smile Meditation (Microcosmic Inner Smile) in the Immutable Happiness NFT. Just a reminder incase you have a copy. What an awesome feature.


Yeah I have tried to get that one many times :slight_smile:


For those who may find it helpful, this guy reeks of holier-than-thou attitude because he thinks he only learnt Sanskrit while many people didnā€™t and he takes a dig at the modern understanding of chakras. So, all the people who experience things with chakras must be delusional according to him. Take whatever he writes with a pinch of salt, scholars (if one thinks this guy is) rarely have any personal experience, they think they are above people who practice instead of preaching. :joy:


Thank you for the interesting read. This whole thread and the blog post reminds me that there are always different levels of truth.


I read the article and I can say I agree with some of his things based on my own inner experience and realizations. Other things I do not agree with based on my experience. I could be wrong and misapprehending my experiences and coming to the wrong conclusions. Idk. I think there is more than one way to interpret teachings and experiences. Several different interpretations can be all correct when looked at from a different points of view and levels. I do know what you mean about that scholarly arrogance. Scholars arenā€™t always necessarily ā€œcorrect.ā€

BTW, Iā€™ve always known that the bija mantras were of the elements and not the chakras themselves. I learned that from a Western Occultist (Samael Aun Weor) so heā€™s making generalizations about Western Occultism that just doesnā€™t fit all the time.

Also, I get the logic behind the 6 chakra system because Shiva in the Crown ā€œalready ISā€ and is the final destination of the Kundalini (Shakti). Also learned that in Western Occultism from Samael Aun Weor. He talked about the chakra system in terms of 7, but I can see through a Kabbalistic lens coming to the 5 or 6 chakra system conclusion when Atman/Chesed and Buddhi/Geburah (the 6th and 7th spheres) can technically be considered One as a Monad, leaving 5 spheres below. Or if you want to separate Buddhi from Atman, therefore leaving 6 spheres below.

What I donā€™t agree with is that the Throat Chakra is not related with the Space/Akasha. The throat is related to the Wordā€¦to sound. So how is it not akashic? If anything, I can maybe see the Sahasrara, Ajna, & Throat all being related to Space/Akasha.

Edit: Also, the Pentagram comes to mind, which can be a symbol of the man as a Microcosm of God. The ā€œMicrocosmic Manā€ which can be seen as the 5 elements made flesh, translating to 5 chakras. There are many ways to view things.


This author is not offering a different level of truth, he is speaking from a place of ego. His position is that he believes (according to him) that his mentor is worldā€™s foremost expert on Kashmir Shaivism and Tantra and since he studied and is pals with his mentor, only he is qualified to write about Tantra and that he is among the very few who learnt Sanskrit and decoded sutras yada yada.

If he is an expert he should not need to brag about his background or else attribute his work to great people like how authors in the olden days attributed their own works to Hermes so that others would take it seriously. They were interested in spreading their knowledge not take credit or at the same time denouncing others.

If he wanted to criticize he should have offered something in return like how schools of Shaivism and Buddhism criticized other schools with logic and experience even before they spread to other countries.

Yes, I think so. But it is futile to validate your experience from a book written by someone with holier-than-thou attitude.


@Gnosticmedic27 if you are serious about getting to the basics and roots of Tantra, this is a way better book that provides Tantra in its complete essence.


Thanks brother!