Question about chakra spin

:+1: you can enjoy their lectures too, but they have the habit of taking down the videos on and off, so book is preferred.

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Also, other schools put more importance to different realms (planet) that interact with the chakras so a 9 or 10 chakra system can make sense within that framework.


True. There are transpersonal chakras that are spoken about that could relate to those planets beyond the seven main ones that correspond with the 7 chakras. There is even the Earth Star Chakra which isn’t often considered.

No i mean those main chakras are also connected to planetary realms.

So the “universe is inside you” is quite literally here lol

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Yeah that’s what I understood. You’re referring how each chakra relates to a planet, right? I was just adding in there are also transpersonal chakras that aren’t spoken about as well.


Yup, very true…

There are also many views on that. I sometimes hear that the Root Chakra relates to Saturn, but then also it’s said the Root Chakra relates to the Earth.

And so on with every chakra, I hear/read different things.

Barry, you just need the Panchanga Yoga (it covers known and many unknown alchemical paths)… It would not be wrong to say that Dream has distilled his energetic knowledge of various alchemical paths of various schools and brought out something very holistic.

At some point, you will begin to notice inside portal-doorways which will allow you to astrally journey to different dimensions, some guarded, some not. Sorta like what is inside is outside…


My view has always been-

Root Chakra: Earth
Sacral Chakra: Moon
Solar Plexus: Sun
Heart Chakra: Jupiter
Throat Chakra: Mercury
Ajna: Venus
Crown: Neptune

I think…

Yeah. I was reading a little about Panchana Yoga that I could find and it sounded very astrological. I couldn’t find much on it.

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Yeah. My feeling is once I’m completely weaned off this horrible medication I’ve been on for a decade and am fully back to normal, my journey will start to speed up.

PU’s Astrological Psychic Buff would be a good addition to all spiritual work (probably along with Naga Brain) - these two (whenever in the future you want to try), are pretty great. He takes a different approach in some of his fields - astrology, crystal alchemy… nicely compliment Panchanga Yoga…

Meanwhile, his Patreon has a bunch of good fields too…


I really do like his style. Love the way he focuses a lot on the Astrology. I did grab Astrological Creativity Buff the other day. That’s the only one of the Astrological Buff series I have so far. I got it for material reasons mostly. New business/career path possibly…


Yeah, I am not too astrologically inclined lol (the most I do is wear Dream’s pendants, also because we take the Goddess to be the ruler over the planets and we seek refuge in her and none else, we do nothing specifically to appease the planets in our lineage), so initially I ignored. But then, I tried one of his free fields and my usually reclusive Naga guides showed up and approved of his energy. That is how I started exploring his work further…


Is this how you guys view the planets and chakra correspondence? If not, what is your take?

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I find Astrologically Inclined to always make my mood and entire day better. Usually one of the first things I do in the morning is stare at it and absorb it’s energy for 5 minutes. Then I do the same with Key To Life. That’s also such an awesome NFT.

Nice! I do like his work. I do find the energy to feel a little bit more forceful than Dreamweaver’s but not enough to the point where I won’t use it. The fields are definitely effective.


I think earth and moon go together hand in hand.

(or something like that)

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That makes sense, just like the physical and energy body. In Kabbalah, Malkuth (physical body) is seen as a “fallen” sephora that was one with Yesod (energy body). I mean technically they still are one.

The Chakras also map to the seven planes of consciousness.


The Root is the earthly realm. These Chakra points (Kshetras) are how you dive into different dimensions astrally. I hinted at it earlier, but did not want to go too much into it.

The Patala Loka, nether realm, is the zone of the demons or asuras/rakshasas.

In fact, the Pranayama procedure uses these along with Gayatri Mantra where you combine mantra + breath and move prana along the seven chakras.


His karma cleaner is excellent, especially if active used (with your own higherself) or a good nft working synergistically.