Does it work if touched in the environment?
You’ve probably already read and commented on this but just in case, when I saw this I wanted to share this with you in case it helps:
thank you Atena.
Not sure I understand your question exactly…But, this is from the video description on Patreon:
This audio disconnects you from negative energy from your environment and people around you so you are unaffected by it.
We generally enter a negative state of mind due to negative energy from other people and the environment. Negative energy is contagious and I know you have experienced this firsthand when you’ve had someone’s bad mood rub off on you. But most of the time, it is subtle and you don’t notice your environment affecting your state of mind and affecting your mood.
In fact, some of us live in negative environments and feel like crap on a daily basis. Its not that we’re negative, its the environment that makes us this way! This audio will change that.
What I mean is whether this audio cleans up the energy in the environment if played on it, or only repels our own energy field of negative energies.
Yes, it’ll clean energies in your environment.
The thread @Athena posted contains a rather comprehensive list of fields which affect your environment and may be of help with similar questions.