Is it possible for someone to test positive for sarms just by only listening to these sarms fiekds?(since it is said that it enables one’s body to produce them)
Great question hehe .
Although you shouldn’t worry.
These test could cost 500+$ so unless you’re A1 in college or some elite athlete you shouldn’t worry.
I would be down to get tested but 500 bucks for something I’ll probably never get tested for doesn’t make sense.
Also I’m not sure what dosage is the equivalent of each listen, but I’m sensible enough to not just over abuse the audios lol
The only reason I’m asking is because, I can imagine in the future I’m strong as fuck with improved physique & I claim natural because it’ll be be fuckin weird explaining the kind of sarms I’m on lmao, then someone asks me to get tested and boom dem things is found in my system. Maybe I’ll be transparent enough to explain Sapien medicine helped, rather than claiming natural.
You’re getting way ahead of yourself
Don’t brag and bet with people that you’re natty and offer to get tested to prove you’re right… and then it should be fine.
As Farr as I know people do not go around asking each other to get tested for Sarms but maybe it’s just the my circle
If you were an elite athlete I would say it’s not worth the risk… but if it’s just this reason, don’t worry about it.
Lol, I’m just randomly chatting bro. I wouldn’t put myself in a situation to get tested to prove natty if I am using these fields.
You’ll just have to play the field around everyone so they all test positive too