Question on fields

What you think about ISIRB field?


So and so better for mechanical brain function


I think we had like 3-4 more thread just on this one!! I love it! And for the nerves it gives this very consolidated feeling and adds this layer of Strength. But the difference is that it engages the whole brain in it

(and through such, allows for ease of brain function)

But I try to find my ideal brain stack that is not temporary… So far I haven’t! My Ernest Neuron has been saving me in the meantime…


So, not masterbating is the way to go?

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I read somewhere on the fourm that the pleasure from an orgasm is the shocking of the nerves wether that’s good or bad I don’t know, but it certainly makes u feel weak

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sexual fluids have a loss effect on shen/jing and one generally requires a good amount of both, for better field interaction.

…but it also keeps the energy moving and helps with a better energy cycle.

I say don’t sweat it :)

Balance is most important - I wouldn’t see the fields working the same for someone who is doing it all day vs a few nights of enjoying themselves. External stimuli (visual) is a hard no also. But nothing that the De-inhabitor cannot get rid of.

It is just very counter-intuitive to entrap oneself in a sexual replenish/then not cycle when you can use the same energy to propel the journey forward with the fields.

Refer to this thread also

Sexual Energy Accumulation Speed on various fields (experience thread)

Ojas is your best friend.