Question on the graphic effect on YouTube video

Hello I am aspired by recent Sapien medicine video.

It’s like a static picture but with some moving part, for example, in subçonscious limit dissolver, there is an audio bar that is moving as volume plays. Would you know what program I need to create that special effect? Thank you everyone!


VFX and motion graphics software | Adobe After Effects

and you can get scripts on envato market place.
it takes a little bit of learning to use the software, but that’s what works for me most of the time.


Thank you captain Nemo!

After effect is $28/MTH, and I will learn this video technique. Very interesting to me.

May you point me the place where scripts in envato is found? Envato looks like a forum only. Thank you for the kind consideration once again!

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After Effects Scripts from VideoHive


Your question suits your nickname very well.

Ego Dissolution
The Tree Experience

Thank you captain! Thank you for leading me to the victory!!! Yeah!!

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