Question to captain

If you have knowledge about things that science hasn’t discovered yet like morphic fields why don’t you revolutionize science with your knowledge? Wouldn’t that be a better thing than just creating fields? @El_Capitan_Nemo

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how would you proceed ?

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Write a book? Send documents about that knowledge to a science professor in a university? And/or whatever else can be done.

What negativity? I’m asking a fine question. What negativity does that question bring?

I believe fields work, yes.

The government knows about psychic ability, they know about aliens and they have tech that’s decades maybe centuries beyond what we have now.

They had robot and AI long before the big tech made it mainstream.

Now, regular scientist don’t want to discredit themselves by touching certain subjects, some have started working with Sapien then backed down. The sapien team is still trying to realize scientific studies (that was the point of the brain growth audio and others) and there is a documentary moving on and more you won’t know.

But guess what ?
For the same reason you don’t use your real name and picture, people don’t want to be the poster child for magic. It’s too out of the mainstream, people are not comfortable or they even try to block it’s spread.

Try to make your family use field…
Done ?
Now would you put your whole credibility and biographic details in the balance to push that truth ?
Science is a business (for better or worst)

When good scientist tried their hands at energy, magic… there biography turned into “he made serious work but he went crazy and started doing pseudo science, don’t listen to him, be careful, he is crazy… too bad, he was a great scientist”

Bye bye funding, maybe bye bye your job, bye bye prizes and rewards, bye bye friends.


As with the general trend in human societies, it is particularly difficult to go beyond the accepted beliefs of one’s world view. When a new thought or idea is presented, the first response is usually not ‘pleasant’, disbelief and mockery abounds. New ideas have to be around for a while before anybody will support it. As we persist in growing this ever evolving library and as more of this knowledge spreads, we get to enjoy the root of what defines a Morphogenic field, as presented by Dr Rupert Sheldrake. (100th monkey effect) An undeniable idea that is proven to be solid. With a firm ground, unshakable and now imbedded deep into the world views of society.
Those who grow with these concepts and ideas as a normal part of life, as they use the channel and explore the work, they will undoubtedly be the ones to shape a new society as the old dogmas fall away.
We will persevere. The future is yours.




C’est l’hôpital qui se moque de la Charité



Just got a noteon youtube.A new audio Skin Caring Repair.Great,but it says it’s private.
Can’t listen.??:blush:


It will be re-rendered in a few hours don’t worry :)


Thank you very much​:+1::blush:


Just look at the scepticism Sheldrake got. They won’t treat Dream any better unfortunately

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who is this? and what happend?

He got his Ted Talk removed


@PatronSaintBiceps and I need to take advantage of how close we live to each other, persevere and work together on getting this docu-study going one day. It’s hard when we are just trying to survive in life with our day to day grind at our jobs, but we have discussed reviving the effort. Now, imagine if some others from the forum would do the same and we all combined our findings. As @El_Capitan_Nemo said we will all persevere and I’m confident that healing with morphogenic fields will be much more widely known and accepted in the future. Slowly but surely.


Let’s do it!! I’m all in with you bro! If we all come together we can make something amazing as a team, we all have our results and things we are currently working on, all of which would be very helpful! Let’s get it done, together as a team!

Futures looking bright and beautiful bro :sunrise: :sunglasses: :palm_tree:


Bro I’m so happy to hear that you are down! We can do this and we will. I will call you soon and we will discuss the details. I have a busy week this week with training for my new job and renewing my ACLS certification. But we got this brother!:muscle:

I already bought a $1000 4K camera for it thats gotten no use!


Not yet …