Questions and Comments

I had the game when it was fresh, played for months with brother and some friends.

Then like in 2018 I bought 2 copies on Amazon, made a new server with my bro. Played a bit more.


I may install it out of nostalgia now ahha

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Pirates of Europe :muscle:


I lost all the CDs, but I downloaded it on my hard drive a few months ago.

I figured, for the future… who knows

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If there are still online servers what if we make a Sapien Med room😂

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And now I come out and say I have a MacBook :cry:

Not great for gaming

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But I would be up for it

Now I’m thinking I need to drink those love potions, have 20 babies by the end of the year then fast forward until they are old enough so I can replace the Legion with them and their children.


You have the brain power to keep up with 20, but the sanity may be finite.

20 was once manageable because of single earners and child labor. On the plus side, if you wait until they’re paying us all to have kids, you’d make a small fortune.


He’s probably counting on that lol


lol, an alternate universe where Philip is the squib cousin they don’t talk about.

Molly: “Yes, yes dear. I’m sure this, what did you call it? ‘Muggle mind magic’ is very powerful, second only to a wand really. Bless you.”



You guys haven’t played the game is all

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Guild wars. Psssh, I played all of guild wars 1, made ascension before it got nerfed and then went through another 2 times. Took me a long time to get to GW2 (I’d sworn off MMO’s because they eat money and time), but I fell in love, unfortunately my guild kept swapping games and FFXIV as a Scholar Heal is hell on the hands.

Oh, you were talking about The Guild 2. Nope, I’ve never played it :/

I was talking about The Guild 2,
I never played guild wars.

I just assume it wasn’t as good as THE GUILD 2 !!!

The real question then, is how was The Guild 1?

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :rofl:

Oh god I love it! :woman_mage:

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There’s a small step next to creating self clones, then contemplating world dominance :slightly_smiling_face:

Okay, so one reason to join the Esoteric Arts Guild would be for having this super cool transparent GIF style seethrough guild seal.


Other guild’s seals are not so cool because they are not transparent.
But this one actually is transparent.
So, you see my point.
This is simply super cool!

Or maybe, the transparency effect is build into the background of the seal picture and as soon as Rose changes her profile pic, the seal will no longer work…? :thinking:

Either way, looks way cooler than other guild’s seals!

Other guilds have brains and trees in their seals, but here we have some real magic – the magic of transparency.

You see guys, I have my own quality criteria for deciding which guild is the best to join…


A quick question about the new gen servitors- Can they be attached to a ring that already has a bonded servitor? (personal one)

Oh my. Flashbacks.


true :sweat_smile: sorry just typing without thinking