Questions I've been coming up with

So I’m going to start something for myself and for all of you as well with questions I’ve been having. The idea of this isn’t to get “answers” but to make you think as well. Hell if you know the answers or feel like you have something good to add or anything be my guest. Honestly I could use as much knowledge as I could get. I know the answers to some of these already (maybe not fully yet). I might put them down Im not sure yet as I don’t know if it’s answers you need to find on your own. I like to think and talk to myself (I always have) but lately it’s getting deep. I have such desires to be by myself and I’m even getting irritated when I’m not alone and when I go alone somewhere then it’s like I’m in an amazing mood. I’m at a point of my awakening I need to be alone as much as possible it seems as that’s when I’m at my fullest potential as well. It also seems my higher self is making it be that I’m alone more often now too. Well enough talk from me for now here’s the questions lol. I’m just going to put these for now.

  1. What is the point of life? Why are we here? (I know a bit to this one starting to learn)

  2. Why is there all these different programming/identifications/polarities (religion, body, gender, light/dark, etc)?

  3. What is the difference between density and dimension? (Know this one but don’t know how to explain well especially dimensions but many have them confused)

  4. How were we created? (Physical bodies I know a bit about like cats for instance are part of reptilian. I don’t understand how to fully explain it but I hope that made sense lol)

  5. Why is it that they want to control us and the universe? What’s the point?

  6. Why is there so many different “traps”? I guess this could go with question 5 as well


Don’t you think your threads may fit more to the ‘Journeys’ category?


Journeys are more for personal reflection than answers and dialogue, so this is probably a good place to post this.


Answers are found within and in quietude while opinions are found outside and in noise :slight_smile:


Ok, just his threads often seemed more like self-reflection and telling us what he was doing.

Yeah, but outside world still has some potential for inspiration that may boost inner learning :slight_smile:


No cap?

Actually, no, the point of life is just to live.
How you choose to live is up to you.
There is no grand scheme or plan.
You can learn grow and develop of course.
Be steadfast and leave the world a better place when you go.

Cause they exist, you imagined it and so it is. The truth is, they came about… because people desire options. In a sad way, it is almost the curse of trying to be individual and unique, more special than your neighbour, or have your own special identification.

Hmm interesting, density is how dense something is, like for example we have neutron stars.
Dimensions are due to the complexity of interpreting and manipulating data and the forms/functioning that can do that.
They aren’t mutually exclusive, and can have wiggle room, but denser things are usually thought of lower vibrational.
But you can have highly dense objects existing in its own dimensional form.

what do you mean?
You were matter given life by the will and emotions of your parents
for lack of a better description. To a child, mother or father is name of god.
and so, the little creator beings make others.
The flow continued from their stream of consciousness

whom? anyways I think you need to see this world as it is.
Matter consumes matter in order to continue being matter. (or to continue to matter lol)
Its just their rational to control their food source.
You know… how they make foie gras? control the product and get something that tastes better of course.
about controlling the universe, lol i do not think anyone can control the universe.
The universe works on its own rules and doesn’t control itself, because it just is.
Is as in being only awareness. Yet it is multidimensionally aware of all possibilities and drives continue its expansion, in the end all serve the universe, regardless of what they think they are doing.
They surely believe they can, this is the drive of the ego.
(another one of your traps?) lol

You see many traps, but are they really traps?
they are only the traps you set for yourself truly.
Ahh but i think i understand your approach. Why can it be a trap, why arent we allowed to live in wanton abandon.?
Controlling your desires and your wandering mind helps you focus on the truth of consciousness.

I invite you to find your own answers.

If he didnt wish for a reply then i will delete.
Let me know.


Please don’t!! Its a rare blessing to read your post… :blush: :heart:


Yes! One of the biggest things I’m learning is to trust in shim


Denser energy clusters tend to be less malleable, and more unidimensional … However, you have things like Dark Matter which has tremendous High-Phase Density, but also immeasurable dimensions of complexity…

On a bodily level, dense energies would make it harder to work with and build up your subtler energy faculties. It simply makes it harder for a person to change, grow and evolve, and when it’s focused at someone else engrossed in subtle energy work, it can disrupt their faculties …

As for the remaining questions, whatever answers you make up will be true.


I think the idea here is that everything you think can be controlled about the universe is an illusion … It all has already happened. “We” are just part of the process of its becoming what it always was, is and will become.

No matter how much power or influence is gathered, that was always part of the plan.

Your mind will collapse on itself if you try to understand this truth shared by Captain from the perspective of your adopted persona … all one can do is embody it.


Would a black hole not be dense? Is it… lower vibrational?

“Usually” - he said.

It could be considered low vibration. I don’t know. Black holes are not exactly something understandable and super obvious as a subject.

I’d argue it’s neither - black holes are an embodiment of chaos and entropy, they are a force of nature; are earthquakes, storms, solar flares etc … high or low vibe?

The question doesn’t make much sense, to me at least.

I see, personally, vibration levels as something’s ability to draw closer to the true blueprint intended by Divine Mind (at a given universal status quo) … If something is a direct expression thereof, I don’t think it qualifies for such a classification.

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For me, looking at the questions… the only one that comes to mind is: Why not accept that we are a broken condom of the universe? With no real reason or explanation for our existence. However bad it sounds to the ego.


:crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl:

This quote was hella funny!


what a strange thought, a black hole is ‘super dense?’
I think the best way to imagine it is like the top or bottom of a torus,
also… it is much like a liquid,
like an ocean.
the way water feels and acts but not… water.
black water?
formless water?
the start of simple ripples of gravitational waves?


Not really though.
hmmm… I think I should stop talking at this point lol


If not here, then I would at least invite you to the Physics Thread :smiley:


That’s what the scientists believe atm. They call them spheres of maximum entropy, lol.

Maybe when they understand gravity better … :man_shrugging: