Questions on friendship

This is a great point that I didn’t directly acknowledge in my answer— only in that myself and my friends shared the same values—and it does lead to a fair and important point! Shared values are paramount to the success of a lasting friendship.

I’ve found that the lasting relationships for me are the ones where the individual has a spiritual practice in which they practice integrity, or if they are not spiritually inclined, their morals and values are superior to average. So, spirituality is a main topic of discussion between myself and my friends whether in essence of, or directly. Or, topics that support a lifestyle of wellbeing.

I don’t mesh well with those who are only interested in money, cars, clothes, but they avoid me anyways without us having to say a word. Forgive me if I am talking in circles, I haven’t eaten dinner yet.

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Yes I understand your viewpoint and I’m actually a big fan of and fully agree with the David Goggins approach. I do believe you are the master of your own soul and Captain of your own ship.

I don’t provide false empathy. If I see someone who has all the means and resources yet still complains, that to me shows they are indeed choosing themselves to stay in a rut, because that’s willingly choosing to remain so. That is indeed lazy. On top of that, most of those also claim they are victims and seek pity. On such people I will not waste any time, because it’s evident that it’s up to them to improve or not.

What I mean is, I have empathy for those fighter souls who try hard every day to improve. They earnestly and truthfully try to their best of their abilities. And you know, if those are still struggling after a long time, after having tried numerous approaches, it’s those that I really have empathy for. Because they have been struggling for long and I know they’ll never give up until they reach their goals.

You see I support those who are willing to improve. But not those who could but are unwilling. Good example is those Arbeitsverweigerer in Germany - they could be working (and it would be very beneficial to them) but they choose not to, yet still get provided for. But then there are others who want to work but perhaps they have an illness etc. But at least they try hard. I think that’s commendable and there lies my empathy.

But not for laziness. Laziness is the antithesis of growth. Stagnation.

And you’re right, everybody has a smartphone. Any topic can be learned for very little money, sometimes for free on YouTube or other sites.

Wow is that true?


ChatGPT says about the adult world population:

Of these who are overweight, the ratio of those who are “lazy” versus “impacted by a medical condition”:

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I think you are unfortunately correct on this, although I don’t know how high the ratio is. Many people for instance go to the gym and absolutely must take selfies otherwise it did not happen. That sort of mindset is fully dependent on likes and shares and the person’s well-being depends on it.

It’s both really sad and unhealthy if you think about it. In that way, constantly comparing yourself. And all that just to have a brief moment of perceived superiority over someone else. Such a mindset is unfortunate.

I do however believe there are those that aren’t all about needing to post their progress on every social media platform. A healthy style of upgrading. I think those people are easily recognised by them also wanting to help others on their unique paths. They notice how awesome it is to become better and thus want others to become better as well.


So insightful! :blush: It feels like however modern day society does alot to distort and pervert our perception of self improvement.

I think it stems from a biological standpoint of competition and maming sure your essence is passed down, which indirectly translates to the need to be “better” than others for a sense of security and self worth.

I think the question is what are some simple, effective ways to move past these desires and limitations? Feels like spirituality is valued less by society these days, especially with increased amounts of value placed in physical parameters.

Thats really great to hear :blush: Sounds like you have super healthy and special friends! Maybe the reason we tend to lose friends becoming more spiritual is because a lot less believe in its importance these days as well.

Looking inward for answers is definitely the key, but Id be lying if I said all of you werent just as important :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I think the simple act of choosing is greatly undervalued. In any moment there is always a choice, and no matter how many times you might have done something before, there is always a possibility to choose something different…

It goes back to the whole free will thing, but here applied to the act. For whatever better states one can be in.

note: Would want to further emphasize the support of the universe and all the benevolent beings that you can ask to be present, and be present with.


I have a few. But the value they bring to my life is immeasurable.

Hmm, it’s definitely where you look. Typically speaking people of this kind of nature are particular about where they spend their time. However, I met 83% of them following my intuition on where to enjoy my time next. It landed me at an event where I met one, and they introduced me to the others.

The other was a blessing placement. He came to replace the previous manager at work. We were the same age and bonded totally as friends. As we age we make it a priority to understand one another, speak up if something sounds off, and know that the other means well.

I guess I’m saying, following your innate path as a wholesome lifestyle and not straying off path to seek others will align you with the right kind of people.

Looking inward for answers is definitely the key, but Id be lying if I said all of you werent just as important :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This is sweet :blush: we can gain so much from others who care for our wellbeing. We’re all a piece of the grander puzzle :heart: