Hi Buddy,
Disclaimer: I usually recommend stacks for people who ask for it or people who message me. And if they report back good results, I post them here. I am also testing new fields at times, sometimes Beta versions, and so there’s that too. I don’t personally use all the stacks. I try to stick with my usual stacks at least for a month before changing them.
- I have a morning stack that runs about 2 hours. These are usually cleansing, protecting, and good luck/abundance kind of fields. I usually do not change this significantly. I play these on my music system so I can do my morning Neigong and mundane stuff while listening.
- Then I have a “mid-day” stack. This has two categories of fields - auxiliary fields (which are good to have but not needed) like skin, hair, fat burn, etc. The second category is the new set of fields I am trying to get a hang of them and then figure out how to use them on a more permanent basis. For example, currently, I am testing Elixir of Life (courtesy @anon72573121) - which is amazing! I will write a better review soon! This stack is roughly 2.5 hours long. How often I listen to this stack depends on my work schedule as this I listen to it at work between meetings, etc. On busy days, or when I am on a flight all day, I may not get into this stack at all, but I try to…If I cannot cover this playlist during the day, I sometimes complete it while working out in the evening.
- Nightly stack (while sleeping) is my biggest stack which is focused on (a) Heal - Plasma Flaunt, Negentropic Chamber, Gastro Specialist, Gullet, etc. (b) Rejuvenate - anti-aging fields including Navapashanam, Ojas, Jindan, Exalted State, Ambrosia, Order by 3, Tonic, etc. (c) Fitness - a bunch of new NFTs I acquired + Hardcore/Abs/Legs/Arms/MWL/St. Biceps, etc. (d) Panchanga Yoga
There is a fourth “on-demand” stack that I build when needed. For example, if I sense a cold coming on, I build a mini stack that I use for 2-3 days.
My morning and night stacks are fixed. The midday stack is slightly dynamic - the fields that I like, eventually move to morning/night.
Another rule: No YT videos for me. I usually have all my audios on Apple/YT Music cloud playlists - so if it ain’t an mp3, I ain’t using it…