Quickest way to build up a robust aura and energy body?

Just starting out with fields. I’ve noticed that I’m getting what seems to be good results from luck and wealth fields, but I’m definitely not getting any results from physical fields, on the contrary they make me quite anxious.

I’ve been going down the rabbit-hole on this forum, and it seems like my issue is rooted in the fact that I need to build up a robust aura and energy body before I can get my desired results from fields.

However, with so many options, I’m confused on the best way to go about this.

What would be the best way to speedrun my way to a robust energy body so I can start getting real results from fields?

A few caveats:

  • I don’t want to break the bank completely, but I’m ok with spending to speed the process up.

  • I have access to the Patreon Premium, so if there’s anything in the premium section that’s useful, I can use that.

  • I was looking at Aura and Energy Body Repair on Gumroad, and it seems like it fits the bill. I was going to purchase, but I had a nagging feeling there might be a newer, more effective, and more complete product that my money would be better spent on.

Aura and energy body repair
Soul restoration series
Your energetic being
Mana circuits
Spamming the energy expansion card from dreamweaver card system (patreon)
Increasing your vibration

You should also check trauma healing/self love fields+ malleable ego and subconscious limits removal.


If budget is a concern, as in, “I have enough money to comfortably spend on one field”; I’d probably recommend Your Energetic Being. It covers aura/energy repair, soul restoration, pumping you with all the energies, developing your nervous system, and your energetic system.

It’s a multi-tool. You’ll probably see a lot of recommendations for any of the 3 Negentropic Treasures, Soul Restoration, etc, and they’re made honestly, earnestly, and for good reason. But if you want to sort of address as much as possible, and are willing to experience slower, holistic growth, I’d probably go with what I said earlier.

Here’s the original description, and I should mention it comes as an audio and a printable mandala (so you can wear it around 24/7):

features are not limited to

1: Complete restoration and rejuvenation of your energetic being.

  • Soul Restoration
  • Auric and Energy body repair
  • Cord Cutting

2: Strengthening and upgrading the energy system

  • Energy Blockage Removal with plasma torus field chakra stimulation and growth
  • Energy expansion aspects from the IG Card system
  • A combination of energies compressed into our energy body/energy system (Jing, Chi, Shen, Ojas, Prana & Mana)

3: Nervous System help and Grounding

  • Nervous System development
  • Nerve Healing
  • Body coherence

This and this:

Free, but might take a little bit of practice:

Center yourself with a few deep breaths, close your eyes, relax.

Hold your awareness in the present and imagine your aura thickening/fortifying, like a dense layer of air surrounding you. It should be accompanied by a sense of calm confidence.

You can also use concrete, bricks, white light, whatever you prefer.

Can be done in any position, but I’d recommend
sitting down if you don’t feel inclined otherwise.

Hold/repeat as needed.


Also, check out the star exercise

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Looks really good, not gonna lie.

Tossing up between that and Aura and Energy Body Repair on Gumroad.

Leaning towards Aura Repair because it seems like it gives more rapid results and I’m admittedly somewhat impatient.

UPDATE: Ended up getting Aura & Energy Body Repair. Which I’m enjoying.