Radiant Sexuality

Don’t fully understand what you wrote there but I’ll take a guess. For one, you aren’t properly channeling energy through your microcosmic orbit and into your solar plexus. If you don’t move your energy there then you will get stuck with a lot of sexual energy all around your body.

Kegeling is important as it helps you do this more efficiently.

Also, it’s very important to maintain your focus in your head during stimulation. If you focus on your genitals, then you will get ejaculatory urges that bring up sperm to your genital area. By that point, unless you kegelz that energy will be stuck there.

The goal is to feel the urge to orgasm in the crown (head) and release in the head so you feel the orgasm in the body and not in the genitals. Orgasm in the genitals means ejaculation or if ypu manage to not ejaculate, the energy will get stuck there and you are not going to be able to sleep.

Also… no porn. Porn will definitely mess with your flow and make it hard for you to do these exercises properly. Images are fine but images of the lone people, stimulating themselves, ext is fine.

There are also a few audios that were shared here for transmuting your sexual energy so you can use those as well.


Any audio for correcting energetic imbalances??

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I don’t own this field as of yet

I’d recommend everyone on this path to use a brain booster and Mind program series 2: become a being of beauty and innocence

That single audio passively looped and also mindful meditation a few mins (not large) to it have rewired my being to carry less ‘debrie’ in my interactions with people and things. Finding myself expressing more and more in a loving manner more often, having less interference in thoughts.

When it comes being with your partner in bed, what ive noticed has been anything short of amazing.

(For context, looped soul restoration core for many weeks if not months. Active all the time, negentropy Jing and chi for the same duration as restoration)

But the mental rewiring in has changed in which light I see situations it feels a lot more clean, theres immense desire not lust but desire to just love the person in front of you. Like you get locked up not knowing what to do while at the same time wanting to do everything as if the first time you carest their skin… wonder, beauty intertwined resulting in a loving energy in the moment allowing for both partners to keep going without feeling exhausted. There is no drainage of sexual energy rather an elevation of both spirits.

Can’t recommend it enough, I’m sure this field will add with certain processes that involve another being.


Another mysterious NFT. I searched the whole forum, apparently nobody knows what this product does?

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The details of that NFT is kept secret for a good reason. To put it simply, it’s for dating.


So after 3 weeks of using this field and doing basic practices from Multi Orgasmic Man I can have 1 NEO every time I wish.
Second one is always a release though, So there is definietly room for improvement still.


What is NEO?


Non Ejaculatory Orgasm


Lol I was also struggling to find out what NEO meant. Second one is a lapse in what sense?




Lmao :laughing:


Yeah it’s going to take more practice and especially daily kegels to get there. But once you have your first… you already know what you’re capable of. The door is open. You will in time be able to have 10 or more in one session.


Can you share the practices?

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I tried edging like @SammyG said while listening to the field, I had excessive energy from semen retention and uncontrollable urges so I did it with the intention of no ejaculating.

I fapped while breathing deeply to the stomach and slowly while focusing (trying) on the head, when I felt I’m about to ejaculate I stopped and put my hand on my naval and started to breath deeper and suddenly I felt a euphoric happiness maybe it was an energy/emotional orgasm it was amazing.

I did this a couple of times until I couldn’t hold anyone so I stopped because I don’t want to ejaculate, when I stopped I again focused on the naval while rubbing it.

I now feel x2 more powerful than I was, I don’t feel the excessive energy and restlessness, the urges are gone and I’m very calm and very very very happy.

It’s like my power just doubled, I will see tomorrow if this have any effect on the people around me, my eyes look shiny and my face looks very much alive.

Side effects: my balls hurt a bit


Just bought and used this 4 times. Definitely felt my sexual energy circulating and the flow seems more harmonious and smooth than it has since I started SR 3 weeks ago. I can also feel my organs being more active, more emotional and mental balance plus relaxation.

The PC muscle field is definitely in full effect too. Plus there’s a constant tingle in my perineum region.

Quick question @SammyG does this field supply its users with fresh jing or does it simply execute its effects by utilizing the jing that the user already had built up in their body?


mostly kegels, breath exercises and relaxing muscles before finish.


No, it does not supply you with fresh jing. That might have been overkill, especially for those practicing SR.

But if you ever need some… https://youtu.be/q252N-4-b58?si=vu-bWpVVntI_nMsf

Got you right there ^ Honestly, the ancient arts album should be a must for people to listen to just once or every two weeks. Will keep you energized and rejuvenated.


what happens if i have no sexual energy to circulate lol? how will that affect me?

currently using a field from another creator and it stops all sexual thoughts, pretty cool right ? and i feel the sr benefits 1000 fold , how would it interact with this field?

just wanna use this field to stop the wet dreams tbh .

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Only cause you don’t have sexual thoughts does not mean you don’t have sexual energy. The fact you are still having wet dreams supports this as well.

But yeah, you always have sexual energy. Especially if you are younger. Part of if not your your life force.


sweeeet thank you :smile:

by the way whats the longest streak anyone could go without a wet dream with this field? and do u think stuff like not eating before bed wouldn’t have to be practiced anymore with this field?

do u reccomend doing kegels/reverse kegels to stop the dreams? i saw on a subreddit someone permanently damaged themselves doing em

just dont want wet dreams when im going back to my home country for a month, would be pretty embarrasing to explain to family haha :L

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