Radiant Sexuality

Concentration of Jing/Sexual Energy:

Harnesses and concentrates the vital life force, Jing, enhancing physical vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. This concentrated energy boosts overall health and rejuvenation.

Balancing Elements of Health of Internal Organs:

Harmonizes the internal organs by aligning the heart (joy), lungs (courage), liver (kindness), kidneys (gentleness), and stomach (openness), enhancing emotional stability and organ function. This balance improves the flow and quality of sexual energy, ensuring a vibrant and healthy sexual life.

Dissolving Repression in Sexual Energy:

Removes sexual blockages, allowing sexual energy to flow freely and healthily. This promotes emotional release, reduces stress, and enhances sexual satisfaction.

Microcosmic Orbit Flow:

Circulates energy through the body’s primary channels, enhancing vitality, balancing emotions, and promoting spiritual growth. Aligns breath with energy flow, facilitating smooth and powerful energy movement.

Breath Alignment with Sexual Energy:

Integrates deep abdominal breathing with the alignment of sexual energy from the testicles/ovaries up the spine into the Microcosmic Orbit flow, enhancing relaxation and energy circulation.

Strengthening PC Muscles:

Exercises the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, providing better control over ejaculation for men and enhancing sexual pleasure for women. Strengthens pelvic floor muscles, improving urinary and reproductive health.

Increased Sexual Virility and Energy Flow in Sexual Organs:

Enhances sexual virility and energy flow in the sexual organs, improving erectile function, hormonal balance, and overall sexual health.

For Females - Increased Blood Circulation and Energy Flow Stimulation in the Breasts:

Improves blood circulation and energy flow in the breasts, maintaining breast health and vitality. Stimulates hormonal balance and enhances sexual pleasure.

Enhanced Orgasms:

Enhances the quality and intensity of orgasms, leading to deeper and more fulfilling sexual experiences. Promotes overall sexual health and satisfaction.

Healing and Youthification of Organs:

Drives deep healing by channeling excess sexual energy to rejuvenate and youthify internal organs. Increases virility, supporting overall vitality and longevity.


i keep seeing 333 today then i see this
very curious rn where is the description :eyes:


Yes sir !!!

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That’s the Sammy’s awaited field, nice!


@SammyG bro, were you referring to this field in the Semen Retention thread ?

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First release from the Self-Mastery Guild! :partying_face:


It’s here! Immediate buy!


Looks great also for the overall quality of life aside the “smesh”

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Hello all! This is a Self Mastery Collective creation.

The field is based on Mantauk Chia’s work on cultivating sexual energy and becoming multi orgasmic.

This field should help people dissolve sexual repression, cleanse and amplify their sexual energy, enhance sexual pleasure & orgasms, have your sexual energy heal and youthify the body, become more in tune and control of this energy and more!

On it’s own, it’s already quite powerful and will update your sexual energy to a much healthier, appealing and vigorous degree.

When combined with multi orgasmic practices, you can get even better results. This makes becoming multi orgasmic much easier as the field implements the whole flow already and you may find yourself having multiple orgasms on your own from listening and engaging with your sexual energy mentally. But if you want to really go all the way into fulfilling sexual mastery. I would recommend the book ‘Multi Orgasmic Man’ or ‘Multi Orgasmic Woman.’

But well, I will do you all a great service and drop two things in this chat. I wanted to be the one to drop the link but I got beaten to it.

So for one, @Amitabha wrote something that inspired me. He wrote about how knowledge is foundational to experience. So I want to drop knowledge as well to help integrate fields much more fluently.

So I will be dropping the practices you guys can begin doing and I will explain their purpose and what they do.

And I will be dropping general sexual mastery knowledge that should prove useful in your sexual endeavors. No, nothing about seduction or whatever. This would be more knowledge on how to maximize your sexual pleasure and that of your partner and more.

So yeah, just a big heads up!


Absolutely in love with this part! :muscle:t5:

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Not a big fan of Mantak, mostly because he looks bloody old and so you start to question whether what he preaches, works. But the field does look great in principal. I drink a lot of bourbon and most people cannot believe how old I am when they meet me.


Top :pray::eyes:

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Lolll :laughing: I don’t know too much about him except his work. All I can say is that the practices definitely work as I’ve been doing them for years.


47 posts were merged into an existing topic: General Discussion

$333 and the book has 333 reviews? I guess its time for me to get started! @Seraph i’m right there with you

Thanks SammyG!


I’ve already done a couple of loops, and it’s like receiving an electric shock down there. :exploding_head:

Additionally, I felt a sensation beneath my testicles that I hadn’t experienced in a long time. :eyes:

I’m very curious to evaluate its effects over time. :face_with_monocle::pray:


I dont own this field, yet.

But I know exactly what you mean. This happens almost weekly for me.

Manly man
Ojas refined
Ojas marrowed
Induced Kisspeptin
Enigma of the Black martin
Chi compression into lower dantien

I’m interested in what else you discover and observe.


This field ;ooks great, a lot of amazing things I’ve been working on on my own, it’d be an instant purchase for me but I’ve made a promise to myself to not purchase any more premium fields until August and by golly, I shall show some restraint! :smiley:


@SammyG is this field loopable? I’ve been looping it and feel great but just want to make sure. Lol.


this is how I felt about…just 5 seconds after it started playing. very strong!