Sexual healing sensitive topic

Hey ,
I have been through lots of sexual violence and sexual traumas (as well as many other types of traumas ) throughout my life starting from a very young age… Any field that can help me to heal from this sexual trauma and overcome the feelings of trauma shock and shame that I feel about my body ,my sexuality etc…

Any field you can recommend for getting my libido back ,and that can help me to feel sensations during sx and to orgasm…?

As well as something to help me to be attracted to people that are healthy and compatible for me

And ,to feel confident in my body and my sexuality…

Thank you so much !

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I’ve been struggling with something similar. I just started using Sapien’s Alchemical Revision and Pre-potential Revision of Sexual Trauma (it’s a Patreon premium field), Psychic University has a free Sexual Trauma Revision Through the Higher Self field (it’s on their Patreon) which I’ve been using for the past month or so (I switched to Sapien’s just today).

I also use Your Energetic Being for cord removal and energy blockage removal, as well as lots of limited beliefs removal.

I also recommend fields that help you attract genuine love, like Attract More Love into Your Life, I’ve been using quite a number of these in the hopes of achieving something similar to what you desire. :slight_smile: I’m also trying out Lucky in Loving Relationships and the Lucky Loved up Life fields to this end.

Fields for mental health and well-being should be helpful as well, Sapien has an album called Mental Health and Psychic Unviersity has several fields for that as well (I’ve been using one and I really like it).

Take care!

I’ll be interested to see other people’s recommendations, too!

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Thank you yes i also do lots of other healing work as well but this is one of the issues and I have been looking all over for fields to help me or energy work prob for years honestly and I didnt find much of anything… Do you find the patreon fields help you or work for you ?Also I am a women dont know if that makes a difference and I feel confused about my sexuality but lol I guess its connected ha ha

take care as well wishing you well and thanks for helping me!

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The Psychic University field seemed to have some effect, but nothing too spectacular TBH, that’s why I switched to Sapien’s. I’m a guy, but these are universal fields for everyone so they should be safe to use and hopefully they will help.

I also use an Emotional Healing and Pain Relief subliminal that has a sexual trauma healing component and it’s pretty good but expensive and time-consuming (the instructions say it takes 7 months for it to work properly! :open_mouth: ), you can PM me here and I can link you up.

Wishing you all the best as well. :slight_smile:

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You can also check out my full current stack of morphic fields (it also has some for success, money and singing, but you should be able to tell by their names :) ) and see if you feel drawn to anything in particular: Recovery to Greatness - #76 by Zonkmeister

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Its from patreon ? obviously depends on the price and all but sure if you can send me the link that would be great just to check it out even

Womb Healing (Patreon)


Female Reproductive System Regeneration

I believe both fo you are born women right? If not then there is for males as well

And Primal Urge from The Mandelbrot Symphony its a set but you can buy just that one which focuses on the sacral chakra area thus the rogans etc around there.

Cord cutter on dreamseeds channel

Or smart cords Cutter from gumroad

Become whole from sapien medicine


I’d be interested in the Womb Healing equivalent for males (I’m a guy :) ). I don’t know what to search for on Patreon. Solid suggestions, thanks!

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There is no one like womb one but for males.

Only this one

Male Reproductive System Regeneration

And you can check

Quintessence of Hyper Masculinity

Primal Urges helps men too


Thank you. I just signed up to Sapien’s premium Patreon today so Male Reproductive System Regeneration is most definitely in. :smiley:

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Happy healing!!

There are other gems in that tier than can help that healing faster and higher!

Check them out:

List of patreon - premium fields

Cause you can also push the flow of money while you heal :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


Any journey towards healing and sovereignty (and all of the juiciness that comes after the deep shadow work) begins with soul restoration (core) :sunny:


It´s a banger. Just work your way up with it and take breaks whenever necessary.

Pairs well with Devil Reversed, also add something to ground afterwards.

Root cause too.


There’s the new release called “Radiant Sexuality” which helps remove sexual blockages and purifiy sexual energy, and it might be helpful. I’ve started using it some time ago and it feels like it’s working (I get best results when I use it for 8 concurrent loops) although it may take some time. You can find it here: