Recovery to Greatness

I am feeling stuck and down so I purchased the Point of No Return field and am going to play it x3 before the rest of the playlist.

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I am feeling a little bit better today, playing my fields. Changed back my listening pattern of that Emotional Healing and Pain Relief Aid program to what I was doing in the beginning because that seemed to have worked better and I had more of a feeling that energetic programming and fields are working. Let’s keep at it!

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As an update, my playlist now looks like this

So trying out a new creator, we’ll see how it goes. Back to one full loop of that Emotional Healing subliminal, which was the right decision, also using a different subliminal before going out whenever I get the opportunity to mingle with the ladies. :wink:

Some interesting releases recently, I will be saving up some and purchasing them (notably The Sword of Clarity, Aureus Fortuna and the Charisma Potion).

I have a lead on an acting job, just have to prepare a little video to show something off as desired by the boss lady! (Not that :stuck_out_tongue: )

My mood has improved a lot since I made the change in my subliminal usage and I’m feeling optimistic again. This can also be the effect of the Point of No Return field - which is why I purchased it!

Cheers everyone. :revolving_hearts:

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I obtained Aureus Fortuna and The Auroch Potion, and am replacing Probability Alteration and Luck with Aureus x 4 and Tesoterone Injector Protocl with The Auroch Potion x 3. Gonna be giving them a try today. :slight_smile:

Also removed some fields and added the Magnetic Aura fields to my stack. Will be updating the entire stack’s composition soon.

I thnk I may be overpracticing when it comes to singing but I’m really determined to achieve awesome results!

I went on a bit of a shopping spree as I’m about to get a windfall of monies, and there have been some new releases, so I moved some stuff around, removed some redundancies and the like. The new and improved playlist now looks like this:

I’m still planning to procure The Charisma Potion and maybe one of them fancy premium weigh-loss fields, but I don’t really know which one (recommendations are welcome - I’m interested in pure fat-burn, so I’m considering What Fat?). I have Weight Loss Combo but it’s working rather slowly (but that might be some blockage/limiting belief on my part. I remember feeling the more physical fields way more strongly way back when, before Bad Stuff happened).

I also added the Belly Burner x 3 to my weight-loss playlist.

I like the Sword of Clarity, it gave me funky sensations first on the right side, then on the left side of my brain, quite possibly related to limited beliefs. Thanks to @anon73693188 for recommending Male Reproductive System Rejuvenation, because it’s very strong and does exactly what it says. ;)

I did get approached yesterday by a neighbor who told me she loves my voice (I’ve been practicing at home intensely these past few weeks) which may be related to the voice fields and The Magnetic Man.


I purchased the What fat? field, and now my weight-loss/flab-loss playlist looks like this:

Weight loss combo x 6
Belly Burner x 3
What fat? x 8

It’s making my abdominal area feel funky. :smiley: Hopefully that means it’s working.

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So I finished up my purchasing spree with Manly Man and Quintessence of Masculinity, primarily to help with manly virility and the like. ;) Everything works now from beginning to end, but I want my manhood to be Titanic when it comes to physical lovin’ as I’ve been interacting with the ladies more in recent days. I’ll be updating my playlist soon once it’s set in stone (again :D ).

Now I think I’ll save up a little bit to purchase one of the Etherforge servitors. I’m drawn to the Lion, Phoenix and Panther. Or maybe a new one will make an appearance, we’ll see!

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Well, since that finanial windfall was considerable and I was on a shopping spree anyway, I obtained The Divine Voice NFT to help with singing mostly (which I’m adding to my playlist ASAP) as well as the Mandlebrot Symphony and The Voice of Reason to help with chakra imbalances, mostly in the root and the sacral.

My glorious field stack now looks like this:

Removed some more redundancies, also the stack is now 90% Sapien Medicine (because I find these fields to be the most effective :) ).

Gonna be on the lookout for a nice item for an Etherforge servitor, I’d love to set up some of these fields with the Pocket Dimension function to play 24/7!

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I have procured the Lion Sage Etherforge servitor + the Dimensional Pocket ability, will be putting some fields and energies in it tonight. :) The servitor feels awesome!


Taught my Lion Sage (whom I sometimes call the Zen Lion) the Dimensional Pocket ability and started by storing Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0 and now I told him to play it for me until I command him to stop.

It’s funny because I always talk to my servitors in English even though it’s not my native language. :smiley: I wonder why that is. Maybe it’s because their descriptions are in English, I dunno.


I replaced Psychic University’s Menthal & Psychological Health Treatment (because I feel fine in this regard) with the Mandlbrot Symphony’s The Root Cause and The Primal Urges to help deal with this pesky little blockage I have there.

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So I was looking for the item which stores my Base Servitor I purchased way back when and coudn’t find it, so I asked Lion Sage to help me locate it and within 10 minutes I found it. It was in a pretty obvious place, but still, haha, I’m ditzy like that sometimes. Anyway, thanks Lion Sage! :smiley: The more servitors the merrier, I say. I’m up for some shenanigans with them, haha.


I replaced Raise Your Vibrational State x 2 with Angelic Vibrations 2.0 x 2 as it had the additional benefit of burning through internal negativity and I could always use more of that.

Lion Sage is awesome, my base servitor is awesome as well, teaching her to draw certain things to me and interacting with her daily, mostly regarding energizing particular elements of my being. I also obtained a different set of servitors from a different maker, for a very particular purpose :wink: and am waiting for them to become created. Hopefully they’ll work well. :slight_smile:

So I filled up Lion Sage’s dimensional pocket with fields and energies, a pack which I intend to have him play for me throughout the day, 24/7, until I’m satisfied with the results, and then I’ll switch some out maybe. :slight_smile: These servitors are great! Finally a surefire way to have your fields work “on-the-go”, been searching (and wasted money) on other options over the years.

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Added Trauma Removal & Healing to my glorious field stack, right after Alchemical Revision of Sexual Trauma. I remember there was an Alchemical Revision of Trauma field, but it’s not on Patreon so I can’t add it to my glorious field stack which makes me sad. :frowning:

Anyway, some ups, some downs, some blah blah blah. Truckin’ on, I’ve no other choice!

Lion Sage is very effective at helping me find misplaced items, just had him help me locate my Matchmaker pendant which I’ve been looking for for quite some time. It was in an extremely obvious place again. :smiley: Thanks, Lion Sage!

Since I’ve been doing a lot of subconscious limits removal maybe the Matchmaker will do its job now. I’ve used it quite extensively but without much results.

Procured The Sauvage NFT, primarily owing to its Lovemaking-enhancing capabilities, but I can feel it making me more smooth in general after listening to it just 4 times. :wink: But I did also put it in Lion Sage’s dimensional pocket and told him to play it for me for the next 24 hrs. :smiley:

I also made some, I think, final for now changes to my playlist (I updated the last post containing it) and now it’s just 4 fields by Psychic University and one field by MediFields, everything else is Sapien Medicine.

I’m a little bit bored, TBH, craving human company, but I’m channeling that into magickal research and stuffies and thingies.