General Discussion

this helped me understand penrose’s quantum consciousness a bit better

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England wins the day.


11 more smh pictures and you have the makings of a good calendar.

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I am gonna use their faces in some of my most mean memes in the future…

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Request to make a bourbon field for youthification purposes.


Bonus that bourbon increases my libido.

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Maybe be has done the energetic things right, but fails on his physical diet?

Because one still has to eat clean with a lot of raw vegan stuff, if you want to stay young and healthy for a long time.

Even if your cells are charged up with life force energy to the top, you still need to provide a ton of physical building blocks (nutritients, minerals, vitamins etc.) to your physical body and at the same time avoid toxins and body-acidification (hyperacidity) as much as possible.

I have seen a lot of energy workers who have failed at this part. They have a super strong aura and energy system, but their physical body looks old and worn out from physical attrition and depletion. Like a brightly shining rotten potato…


Maybe. I eat a metric shyt tonne of protein. Genetics plays a role too but quite frankly most of my family has aged incredibly poorly. I’ve tried raw vegan a few times. Takes like three days before I’m dying of soreness due to working out at the gym. That and my wife wants to kill me every time I go vegan and since I like being not-dead…

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Sadhguru is another one. I’ve taken a few trainings with him. Can’t eat four hours before Angamardana. Can’t eat for a few hours after. Sells instant packets of mush. When does one eat then? Meanwhile he’s obese.

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I think for most people, what is practically doable and easy to execute, and what I do myself, is to replace 50% of your normal diet with fresh raw vegatable salads.
That alone will extend most people’s physical lives by 10 to 30 years!
But it has to be at least 50% of one’s daily food.
I eat my 1-2 kg of raw veggie salads almost daily and it works great!


Captain’s responding. I think I’m in trouble. :slight_smile:


you know I always wanted to own like part of a distillery and field alcohol creations
its a great carrier for information,
beside we can really have fun with it.


We went to visit the Kentucky Bourbon trail last month as a family vacation and I told my wife I really want to open a distillery up in western New York where we live. Lots of farms and corn around here.


In my personal opinion that guy is a scammer. Also, Indian food, as much as I love its taste, is almost all cooked and thus not healthy at all in the long term.


So we are now spiritual alcoholics :smiley:


I’m ok with that.


Always wondered where did he get the grandious claims from.

Also, many his “teachings” don’t connect with each other. He’s just kinda playing a debate show.

Interesting views, but he is NOT our guru.


Agree. But Angamardana is very effective at developing the body in such a way to make it not a nuisance to every day living.


lol its the universal carrier of the soul and body
it is the ‘spirit’
alcohol is alchemy
a poison carrier.