General Discussion

Posting this here because I havent been on for awhile and I dont see a dedicated post. Does anyone know anything about the status of NFTs sold on venly? The website says venly market will be decommisioned by the end of July 2024


@TraderRubix You have to move your NFTs that were on the Marketplace back into your inventory, sooner the better probably, but before their deadline. They no longer sell NFTs but they still store them


Yeah, sometimes I wish that angels or aliens would simply purge this whole planet lol.
Or force everyone to ascend.
But thatā€™s just my angry ego speaking.
Because I also understand, that this would be counterproductive and would take away the ā€œearth growth platformā€ for souls to learn their lessons.

All human society problems on earth are really of the spiritual and mindset-related nature. With enough collective spiritual and consciousness growth all problems will solve by themselves. All those society problems on earth are a temporary transition phase.

So in that sense, a purge would not make sense, because then the souls that are currently dominating this planet would have no proper platform to grow.

And a forced ascension would also not make sense, because the collective ascension detox symptoms would lead to chaos and self-destruction. If everyone would have to face their shadows all on the same day, society would collapse completely.

So humans, as a earth collective, have to grow at their own pace, regardless of my impatience lol.

Because also, I believe, consciousness cannot be forced into growth (otherwise Source would simply execute this without asking anyone).
Consciousness has to grow by itself.
Because everything that has consciousness has also a component of free will in it.
So there always must be a decision made to ā€œwant to growā€ on some level, even when the option for such a decision is very latent and often has to be triggered by external ā€œproblemsā€ first.


what does that mean? can I still able to buy NFT fields on Sapien shop?

edit: oh nvm phantom is belong to solana

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Hey toby,
awesome to see you posting.

I hope your discernment continues to grow as you explore the internet.


it is unlikely to happen.
(unless there is some other dire reason)

its not really as simple as that i think.
but the whole system can only move forward if the collective moves forward.
and everything is a part of the human collective.
Even fear and hate.
If you cannot Transend that, you cannot be anywhere else.
Why this is needed
is because, you will not have any concept of how to act and how to continue to maintain a new level of being if you still have to deal with fear and hate.

No, i think those who do move on,
get to move on without carrying the weight of others with them.
You are no longer responsible, the world becomes Leela.

You will still be seen and judged through the egoā€™s of others.
and forced to ā€˜fitā€™ within their perception of you.

There is no real escaping the hardwork.
learning to overcome fear, hate, judgement.
if you didnt deal with these things, and were somehow artificially placed elsewhere.
you have no previous learning or concepts with how to deal with a massively different state of being
and awareness.


Thank you. i appreciate your acknowledgement. i invite you to share your opinions or musings on any of the things that i post

considering alkul is gone for a while. not sure why. i enjoy his posts


Bro, are you joking?
I never know.

Also, regarding the army, they canā€™t force millions or rather billions to fight.

I donā€™t give a damn about their interests.
I will try to live though lol.

Maybe some bright objects from the sky will save me, when and if it comes to it.


Now Iā€™m even more confused. :rofl::v:

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Gotta spam Alien Intercession and Angelic and Dragon, damn, Iā€™m all for being saved lol.

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Iā€™m gonna negotiate my saving.

Alien Bros, Do you need a cook?

I can learn lol.

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Read: ā€œAssume itā€™s all bullshit, unless it resonates, then just reclassify that specific part.ā€


Well, good thing Iā€™m perseverent then lol.
I think i am worthy, no matter what lol.

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Alright, enough internet for today.


btw, this incredibly well respected biologist said he is on-board for the idea that all matter is cognitive at some level.
keep in mind he distinguishes between cognitive and consciousness

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Michael Levin has own channel with much more content for general public


thank you

very interesting stuff


Are animals conscious? Some scientists now think they are


No sā€¦t, they were all plastic figurines.

What kind of title is that?

No words.