General Discussion

What a frightening title for an article… we shouldn’t be asking questions like this.


Hold up, what the title actually means is that scientists are beginning to potentially consider being open to begin thinking they may be, in some unexplainable ineffable way that has eluded us since the dawn of time.

Hold your horses young man, science needs lots of time to develop properly xD


This is because most of these scientists are not really conscious themselves.
Literal NPCs.
Non Player Characters.
A non-conscious individual cannot recognize the consciousness (the soul) in other things.


We are gonna free those NPC scientists from the matrix’s grip, one by one… :laughing:

giphy (3)


i do not agree with the NPC idea

How could you possibly know whether they are conscious or not?

I think you have misunderstood my generalized statement and computer game analogy.

Every being has consciousness.

From an external perspective, beings whose thoughts and behaviors are almost completely didctated by the programs in their subconscious minds, appear as “NPCs”.

Beings who have reached a certain level of conscious awareness, self-reflection and free will have become actual “game players”.

This is all relative and depends on the perspective of who exactly is actually looking at who:

From our human perspective, animals and plants appear are NPCs.
From our Higher Self’s perspective, we as incarnational fragments may appear as NPCs.
From the Source’s perspective, our Higher Selves, may appear as NPCs.
…and so on.


Even as an analogy it feels incorrect ,
the label NPC lacks compassion, since we do atrocious things to npc’s in video games without a second thought

it is a label i see used to justify compassionless behaviour


In a sense you right about this.

Thinking about how animals treat plants.
How humans treat animals.
How Gaia treats humans and animals.
How some alien species treat humans.
How some Higher Selves treat their own incarnations.

So where do we draw the line between protecting one’s own interests and between absolute compassion for others?
It is a hard thing to do in a physical world, where beings are separate from each other by game design and where everyone is fighting for their own survival agaist the forces of entropy.


this helped me understand penrose’s quantum consciousness a bit better

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England wins the day.


11 more smh pictures and you have the makings of a good calendar.

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I am gonna use their faces in some of my most mean memes in the future…

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Request to make a bourbon field for youthification purposes.


Bonus that bourbon increases my libido.

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Maybe be has done the energetic things right, but fails on his physical diet?

Because one still has to eat clean with a lot of raw vegan stuff, if you want to stay young and healthy for a long time.

Even if your cells are charged up with life force energy to the top, you still need to provide a ton of physical building blocks (nutritients, minerals, vitamins etc.) to your physical body and at the same time avoid toxins and body-acidification (hyperacidity) as much as possible.

I have seen a lot of energy workers who have failed at this part. They have a super strong aura and energy system, but their physical body looks old and worn out from physical attrition and depletion. Like a brightly shining rotten potato…


Maybe. I eat a metric shyt tonne of protein. Genetics plays a role too but quite frankly most of my family has aged incredibly poorly. I’ve tried raw vegan a few times. Takes like three days before I’m dying of soreness due to working out at the gym. That and my wife wants to kill me every time I go vegan and since I like being not-dead…

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Sadhguru is another one. I’ve taken a few trainings with him. Can’t eat four hours before Angamardana. Can’t eat for a few hours after. Sells instant packets of mush. When does one eat then? Meanwhile he’s obese.

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I think for most people, what is practically doable and easy to execute, and what I do myself, is to replace 50% of your normal diet with fresh raw vegatable salads.
That alone will extend most people’s physical lives by 10 to 30 years!
But it has to be at least 50% of one’s daily food.
I eat my 1-2 kg of raw veggie salads almost daily and it works great!


Captain’s responding. I think I’m in trouble. :slight_smile: