General Discussion

Well, wouldn’t a compulsory military training for at least 3 months for all youth be beneficial for all?

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Well, in most countries you have to attend school, don’t you?

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You say that like I willingly went to school for like 15 years…

To say any state is far fetched and a limited perspective… here in England the leaders have never known the struggle of poverty or working class life’s as most of them came from wealthy backgrounds it’s more a lack of understanding then a lack of care but yes from what we see there is a lack of care in the western world but not a lack of want for power and money… battle of the egos :muscle:


Your saying it like they will throw us into a war zone it will most likely be a bit or training toughen people up mentally and physically to sent them up for a better life… getting kids away from their phones for a while will do them so much good


Not fundamentally.

In school, you will learn essential skills: reading, communication, how the world works, etc.

In military, you will learn to survive, self-defense and how to be a man, and perhaps some respect for authorities as well. I went through some shorter military training (voluntary) and I dont regret that.

Like 1-2 years would be much for that. But 3-6 months doesnt sound so scary.

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Man of experience I see :smirk:

We had this debate in class I said right away yh go for it let’s do it then one of the more ‘softer’ boys in the class was like ‘no my free will they can’t do that to us’ :rofl: ahh man this generation is actually doomed if a war does come and things actually become real :sweat_smile:


@Dreamweaver I’m curious on your thoughts on war?

All good all fair, yet I belong to myself, I’m not a piece of cattle to be spent in a meatgrinder in the name of a state.

If it’s to defend my ground, one can learn it without bonding it’s methods to an imposed military doctrine

Well, a little bit :smiley:

Well, invading foreign powers would love that. Populace that has no guts to mount a resistance.

But yeah, always better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. Some things are just essential, yet heavily underappreciated…

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Ok, so if a strength is a threat, should we all be weak?

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But you can be that grandad with war story’s

‘Back in my day’ type stories :rofl:

Sounds cool no?

It is loaded question and I coming from country where compulsory military service is derogatory, physically dangerous, extremely corrupt etc. is strongly against the practice. It’s an attempt to shovel problem under the cover, like I would expect the very same politicians throw their children in school to forget about them and later whine that they are badly educated.

Putting people in military service to solve societal problem will only make society weaker and exacerbate the problem.


I rather tell him how i derouted the conscription dudes

Each to their own :relieved:


Yep, that’s another big issue…

But still, that shouldn’t stop us from ever trying. Maybe if we worked on that, put more supervision etc, things could slowly change. But there is also a complexity stemming from cultural, ethnic, geographic differences, etc etc.

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Society and politics first. Otherwise it’s all in vain.

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Dw, I meant no shock-therapy, gradual changes, while also not too perfectionistic.

There will always be some shit no matter what. But we also won’t abolish school just bcs some ppl are corrupted.

That’s nice. But unless you and your friends can single-handedly protect your country… Then u might just wanna swear allegiance to foreign invading powers or dictatorial regimes instead. Or you will understand after you get repeatedly disrespected by some spoiled brats.

Well, the reality of living in a society is that there is some role. The state decided you have to go to school, and the state may decide to extend it into some military training. After all, we also were taught how to shoot in school and stuff too, just it was very short. If u lived in my country, then I would be deciding a little bit about you every time I go to vote.

That would be very populistic to say. I don’t think the effort to gradually bring it in some form for certain duration, while also making proactive effort to not antagonize it too much for populus, would be entirely a bad idea.

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I think not. I really can’t understand why a person would undergo that kind of physical training if it’s not what they want for themselves. It’s certainly not like going to the gym or playing sports. I read some comments talking about self-defense and masculinity. Certainly teaching people to defend themselves is something fundamental, but I disagree with the second value. Masculinity is something that belongs to the individual, not a value to be installed in people’s minds, especially in “weak” men. Moreover, not all people are masculine and not all feel the need to be masculine. Those who want to cultivate their masculinity are welcome to do so, that is absolutely right, but it is not what everyone desires. There are also women who undertake military life, and if they like it, that is okay. Undergoing military conscription also means getting in touch with a morality that not everyone feels is their own. Everyone should be happy in their own orbit and not bother others.


War is the paradigm that people function in over here. (this planet)
‘competition’ and it fuels the growth of technology and development.

Its not the only paradigm there could be a more holistic society, like an organism where mutual success drives the whole.

We just live here with the competition mindset, tribal thinking habits.
It would take a larger retraining to get into a ‘mutual success’ way of seeing the world.

people think utopias stagnate,
well yes if viewed trough the current mindset, you cannot see how it can work.

a common goal or mission can drive a utopia forward.

I mean, it truly doesn’t have to be like this, but they don’t really know any better.
they are just acting with that tribal mindset.
countries are giant tribes now.
Tribal allegiance is ‘patriotism’

I suppose that is also part of evolution, learning to transcend the former ways of seeing the world
as a collective.


I did civil service instead of military service in Austria u can choose between either 6 months military or 9 months civil service(as a paramedic) and if the situation becomes to precarious im the f out of europe or maybe ill go to Switzerland :man_shrugging:t6: