General Discussion

It’s neuro-marxism man

That’s what confirmation bias leads to after years of it

A simplistic world view that ignores everything other than that little aspect


Can you take this Convo elsewhere please. This is a testimonial thread

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Yes, I will move the posts

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I am speaking about the Subconscious Mind.
This is a level far beyond the brain and neurons.
Neither the “ego” nor "consciousness are “in the brain”.
The brain and the neurons are just a translation device from consciousness to the physical.
Trauma, beliefs about self love and limiting beliefs are not “stored in the brain”.
They have neurological physical representations, but they are not actually “there”.
I highly recommend you study the insights from the consciousness and brain connection from Near Death Experiences and Astral Projection.

I still do not understand the “Invinsibility” aspect.
I assume this just part of the ring’s magical name and not an actual feature of the product?
Because the word “Invinsibility” doesn’t appear anywhere in the product description.
Instead, the product description says this:

Which sounds to me like it will make you as visible as possible.

And having an energetic shielding cloak would completely go against these mentioned features in the product description. At least in my experience. Your aura either shines for everyone to notice and magnetically attract their attention, or it is dim and “cloaked” so that other’s don’t consciously notice your presence.


Just my 2 cents. Power is the theater of the problem, not the problem itself. The problem is in a myriad of things and how they relate to power:

Ease of attainment
Ease of use
Ease of misuse
Lack of respect
Too much respect

On the one hand, to take things to analogies as I like to do, if a medication had an 89% mortality rate, of course you wouldn’t set it as an over-the-counter medication.

On the other hand, if that medication was next to impossible to get, the 11% it would work for lose out.

Easy power is a problem. Power worked for tends to not be a problem until someone recognizes how easily they can wield it, and it’s almost always in response to how much they were beaten down on the path to power that spurs on that misuse.

So, for most, yeah, power becomes a problem because they can’t relate to it in a healthy manner. They can’t simultaneously respect it enough to be wary of using it, but not so much that they can when the situation calls for it. One could almost say that power, without wisdom, discernment, and balance, is the problem. Which the virtues mentioned are held within fewer limits AND less ego.

And unfortunately, it’s not really up for debate, as history has repeatedly proven that those who usually seek power, shouldn’t be the ones holding it. And those who wielded it wisely, didn’t make the history books. To want both, to think you can achieve both, that sounds a lot like ego.

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Hi welcome to the forum.

Yes they will work for you still, because you are the one who purchased them legally.

You can also try these transfers repeatedly, eventually they’ll work.

Edit: yes I’ve found a forum user who has not been welcomed yet by @Rosechalice :sweat_smile:



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ohohoho, mod competition. Honestly though, that’s like trying to beat SoulStar in likes given within a month timeframe… but somehow worse. She just hones in, non-meme folder of images ready to go.

I mean, even if you beat her to it, did you do it with flair? Huh, Nice2knowU, did you do it with spirit!?!

They could’ve been welcomed with magick but instead, they got welcomed as just another conquest.

You sicken me sir, sicken me I say!

runs off, stage left, crying in over-dramatic tones while remembering to cheat right



My work meme folder is now at…123 nice


Hey there @dingobells!

Welcome White Gold KY

@Nice2knowU :partying_face: :woman_mage:


I read news about Germany and some Western countries planning to reinstate mandatory military service.
It seems that war is approaching.

I am also very curious about the stance of European youth on mandatory military service.

No matter what, I will not take sides.
I reject war and being a soldier.

Politicians, generals and government officials can fight; I will not.
I will not die for the egos of politicians.


You need to read less news :slightly_smiling_face:


Meh it’s not ideal however the state of my generation it would be good to be toughened up through military training but sending us into a battlefield seems silly and counterproductive to the evolution of humans.

There hasn’t been much talk about war here in England between people I know so it doesn’t seemed to of entered the collective as much yet


Yep, a few hours after posting they went through. thanks

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thanks for the welcome


You’re welcome :joy:


DNA is a fractal antenna. EMF is like a toxin. What is the antenna for? …consiousness?

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Here in Italy, a bill has been proposed to reinstate compulsory civil and military service lasting 6 months for both men and women between the ages of 18 and 26. The motivation for this proposal is not related to the need for a larger army, but rather to the consideration of military and civil service as a way to re-educate young people. Honestly, I hope it will not be approved. Although it is a fairly limited period, I strongly think that education comes through school, which has nothing to do with a path that should be freely chosen.


they see a worrying trend of the current youth.
No direction, no structure, strange self important ideals.
Complete lack of respect of others and awareness.

You know when they threaten bad kids with military school.

who knows really.