The Ring of Gyges: Mystical Influence and Invisibility

This is a smart field. If you prefer to keep a measure of your sense of failure just discuss it with the field.


Not a sense of failure, but the memory of the failure as the well as the emotion that prevents it from happening again.

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Yes this field becomes personal for you. You can lose the memory but still retain the lesson, which is what I think you are intimating.

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Which is really key in my opinion :muscle:t4:

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No, the memory is extremely vital to the lesson. This is especially true when it comes to trading. I achieve tremendous success in trading because I have a constant memory of all the mistakes that have been made. The memory has to be refreshed over and over again to ensure right actions each time. People repeat mistakes over and over again when they keep forgetting them.

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It’s a smart field man, it’s gonna work according to your means, simple as that @mindreality


The field, being intelligent, is able to understand your intentions and will.

Hm it is stated cleansing not deleting isn’t it?

I’d say the lesson and memory is still there but possible mental blockages are cleansed so you don’t have too many things holding you down because it went wrong once. You can still try to do better and learn from mistakes but with an overall more positive or neutral outlook.
Often times the fear of failure stops one from trying again.



Thank you for the 3 recent answers. Very good.


Let’s check Abundance Stack! :smiley:

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So I know the invisibility aspect was touched upon above, and I know this is a smart field- so can the invisibility be turned on and off?

I love the cloaking field don’t get me wrong, but sometimes one can be too invisible lol just want to make sure we can give the field a shout like hey maybe don’t cloak me today


Sorry I just saw this. Yes the invisibility is intent.


What is it?
An audio or a ring?
If an audio how many times we have to listen??
Everytime you want cloaking you have to listen to it or any other things?

It is an audio. There isn’t any pre-determined number of times, so experimentation is up to you. The cloaking aspect is through intent and it’s build into the field. To know how it interacts with you, you have to use it.


Have any empaths tested out the emotional cloaking possibilities here? I would be interested in hearing about a test or two. Not all cloaking is necessarily for physical invisibility . . .

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I have not but let me try and I’ll try and get back to you!


It’s weird people don’t talk here about this field it looks completely Banger


I was determined to get a new vision of this field this morning. I let it play and clarity began to dawn on me. It was like it acted as a mirror of a measure of truth. I was shown the perspective of beingness and what things look like when viewed out of that perspective. Like when we identify with “less than”. Like when we use our beingness to play small and limited. I was shown examples of how life works the way we desire only when we live it from within, from knowing that who we are is who we choose to be. Sure I can waste time and attention by focusing only on the wants, or I can revel in the beauty of experiencing the haves.

It reminds me of why Neville Goddard taught the use of the imagination. We use it all the time but don’t realize that using it for what we don’t want does not lead to what we want. How I see things is based on my particular way and how I got here. I don’t think that everyone will see it this way, and that is fine. This field does have a mystical influence, as it has brilliantly shown me that what I thought I was missing, was only “missing” because I had allowed myself to focus on lack rather than bathing in the essence of having.

I really like the contemplative nature of the music. Easy to spam, very flowing.


First few listens I feel a lot of pressure in my head and also a little bit nostalgic, I’m thinking, traumas and blockages are also memories and the feeling of them fading away might be painful but it will be worth it in the long run.
Thank you
Great field!


Hi there @Mauro!