The Five Skin (Foreskin Restoration)

I’d give it time, the description is really confident in the trauma half, not so confident it’ll actually regrow the foreskin. So wait for some testimonials and go from there.

The trauma and and scar tissue healing will definitely work, I am unsure how much skin can be grown, but it will work to the best that can be done and extra.

Or just use The Alchemical Revision of Trauma


I love this. What benefits social, mental, emotional should we expect other then more skin


Wow now with this Foreskin Restoration and Radiant Sexuality. And all we need now is Male Enhancements for the Holy Trinity :pray:


Swear to god this can’t be a coincidence…somehow I had a hunch this would drop. But this soon?!?! :anguished:


Same yesterday i was amusingly interested in trauma, listening to fields i haven’t played in years


it is a smart field.

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I read somewhere before that it gives more pleasure during sexual intercourse. You might have to Google details


can be added @JHALAK1989

Introducing The Five Skin (Foreskin Restoration), a powerful audio field designed to heal past trauma associated with circumcision by providing a deep inner, mental healing, and protection at that moment in your past. In essence, to produce a state where that trauma and incident did not occur, instead, you were safe and protected… This field works on multiple levels to remove scar tissue, promote rapid regeneration, and provide deep mental and emotional healing.

Key Benefits

  • Trauma Revision: Heals past
    trauma by creating a state where
    the traumatic incident did not occur,
    offering a sense of safety and protection.

  • Scar Tissue Removal: Induces
    apoptosis of scar tissue,
    promoting healthy regeneration.

  • Rapid Regeneration: Stimulates
    pluripotency and enhances
    nutrient absorption for accelerated healing.

  • Enhanced Healing: Increases
    production of epidermal growth factor,
    aiding in the creation of new cells.

How It Works

1 Alchemical Trauma Revision:
Provides deep inner and mental
healing by revising past trauma.

2 Scar Tissue Apoptosis:Induces
apoptosis in scar tissue while
promoting pluripotency in
remaining cells.

3 Nutrient Absorption and
Mitochondrial Boost: Enhances
nutrient absorption and
energizes mitochondria to
accelerate healing.

4 Epidermal Growth Factor
Production:Boosts the
production of growth factors to
renew and regenerate damaged

The trauma and and scar tissue healing will definitely work, I am unsure how much skin can be grown, but it will work to the best that can be done and extra.

This will also heal up piercings etc, so keep that in mind


i swear i JUST saw a comment asking for this. very speedy



If this a matter of insecurities (size / endurance / potency), rather than actual damages, have you guys considered working with Radiant Sexuality and non judgmental acceptance or love fields?

Sammy explained the process in the thread as well, hence the field is not a prerequisite, but a booster.

Once mastered together, I doubt there will be much insecurities left, and I’m certain it’ll very much benefit you too.


In my personal opinion, most of these approaches are completely outdated and useless compared to Sapien Med fields. It is “ancient tech” so to speak and therefore a waste of time and money.

Counseling and traditional therapies are like tech level 1 to 5.
Whereas, Sapien Med fields are like tech level 50570.
These fields are the best bet and approach for solving most of life’s challenges.

And also, all changes either start with or need to be approached with by also working on self love and self worth. Check out what I wrote about “Baselines” in some other threads.


Can this field be useful for those with a curved penis?

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Got this nearly a week ago, I just give those informations, not wanting to answer any potential question as it’s very personal, hoping it’s understandable. I can only attest this field works as intended.

I was unsure about what to expect, on how much skin it would grow or not so I didn’t care at all just automating this field with the dimensionna pocket, not expecting any change at all.

For a good surprise, the color is more homogenous, there was a noticeable difference before, between the circumcision zone and the rest of the p, the “scars” from the seems to be gone, I don’t see any stigma anymore, it’s no longer dry and looks very healthy.

Also, there is extra skin that was never there before all around the concerned area, it’s definitively foreskin growing from how it looks and it’s clearly more sensitive, new nerves are forming.


congratulations and thx for honesty and reviweing!


Discovered this totally randomly for real, so I looked closer lol (I need to make this clear just in case :joy:)

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Now on the circumcision zone there is pigmentation ! It looks a tiger’s fur (for the representation lol).

There is definitively extra skin forming and folds around the zone, it’s noticeable since there was none before.

Also about sensitivity I had really none before, 0, even during s*x, now even when I just pee and hold it, there is sensations (not saying it’s trance, more to say it’s sensitive now compared to 0 sensation).


The only part that was “sensitive” was the glans and in fact, it was not really that great even during sex and foreplay, it was boring to be honest and awkward for me.

It has a better look, it’s really reverting to a state where there was no damage and the erogenous zone is starting to cover more areas, I don’t know how much skin can regrow but glans sensitivity is 100* better and it extends to the skin from the body, half my p is sensitive now.

The results by now are already exceeding the reasons leading me to buy this field, the other benefits are bonus to me but really appreciated, now that I experience them.


like a regrowing tree. congratulations. give it time.


Thanks and sorry, I’m not as active as usual recently.

Yes, it’ll take its time, there is no urgency !


Can someone tell me if there’s any field for natural circumcision as I have excess foreskin covering my glans and I suffer from Phimosis.