Raising Vibrations

Life is valuable, it’s beautiful. Despite of all the troubles it still has immense value. We are blessed with enough to feel gratitude and appreciation. And yet wanting things to be perfect and a certain way we often fall into despair, cry over the losses or lack and ignore all the abundance and blessings we have. As kids we were so much more happier even when we had less. Gradually we forget to enjoy the moments of happiness and our mind gets trained to look for lack to repair it. It’s mostly a habit we have formed over the long years… we forget to enjoy, to appreciate to laugh to live the moment.
So let’s do one thing today that raises our vibration. Wherever we are at the moment… sad depressed or enthusiastic … we can raise it from there … even if little bit but we can always feel better.
Comment below what you did today to raise your vibration, to feel better about yourself, about life, to feel happier, more peaceful and thankful. Notice around you what makes you feel better internally… what goodies of life have you been taking for granted … feel blessed about having those.


I was worrying about my phobia … I dropped the worry and enjoyed a nice cup of tea. I will cross the bridge when it comes

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